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X3 Terran Conflict Cheats |
X3 - Terran Conflict
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Enable the Script Editor:
Be careful what you do with the Script Editor as it may have unwanted results on
your game. Navigate to the pilot name change menu and enter "Thereshallbewings"
while not docked. Your name will remain the same to confirm correct code entry.
Easy credits:
Note: This is only for those that started to play as a Terran. There is not much
fighting in the Terran sectors. After you get the mission to follow some pirates
and scan their base, deactivate the tracing system for that mission.
You will notices that many stations have a red target (those are missions to kill,
patrol, or protect). Because you do not have a good ship yet, it is best that you
accept only missions to protect stations. In addition to a reward, you get a bonus
for every kill. There can also be another bonus for you -- some of the ships might
get abandoned. This gives you a chance to claim the abandoned ships and sell them,
or keep the ship if desired, then upgrade it and have it as a wing man to help on
harder missions that give even more money. Note: Other ships in the sectors also
will help sometimes. Your Terran mission will not end because there is no time
limit. Fly around the sectors and look for missions where you need to protect a
station. Do this as long as desired, and save the game after every mission.
Galaxy Editor:
Submitted by: Hypergamer674
When you start a new game, you can change the pilot name to "Makeanapplepiefromscratch".
Note that this cheat is case sensitive so watch for the M. If you did everything right
the pilot name should reset to its deafult to confirm correct cheat entry.
Leave the game and go back to the main menu. There under new game all the way down you
should see now Galaxy Editor. Greets from Hypergamer674.
Unlockables - Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile",
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
A Few Good Men - Train five marines to five stars.
A Proud Moment - Build a factory.
Captain of Industry - Achieve trade rank Wholesaler.
Combat Pro - Achieve fight rank Professional.
Crash Course - Pass the Flight School.
Exterminator - Complete operation final fury.
Filthy Rich - Get one billion Credits in your account.
Fly Swatter - Stun seven space flies at once.
Happy Hippies - Help the Goner to rebuild and relocate their Temple.
Home Sweet Home - Complete the New Home Missions.
Homebase - Acquire your personal Headquarters.
Liberator - Claim ten ships.
Lost Brothers - Complete the Aldrin Missions.
Major Miner - Mine ten units of Nividium.
Maze - Build a complex with five factories.
On the Beat - Earn 100,000 Credits with a police license.
Operation Blackbeard - Board and take over ten capital ships.
Pirate Fever - Force a pilot to eject a crate worth over 10,000 Credits.
R.e.s.p.e.c.t. - Achieve the highest reputation with the main races.
Reboot - Board and take over a Xenon Q.
Resourceful - Reactivate the final set of Hub gates.
Reunion - Reunite the Aldrin colony with Earth.
Traveller - Visit all sectors. Note- Unfocused jumps do not count.
X Marks the Spot - Complete the Treasure Hunt Campaign.
X-Treme Fighter - Achieve fight rank X-TREME.
X-Treme Trader - Achieve trade rank X-TREME.
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