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X3 - Albion Prelude
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Steam Aachievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To
view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My
profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement - How to Unlock
A Few Good Men - Train five marines to five stars.
A Proud Moment - Build a factory.
Albion Pride - Help shape the future of the Albion system.
Captain of Industry - Achieve trade rank Wholesaler.
Combat Pro - Achieve fight rank Professional.
Crash Course - Pass the Flight School.
Do a Barrel Roll - Turn the universe upside down.
Filthy Rich - Get 100 million Credits in your account.
Fly Swatter - Stun seven space flies at once.
It Was About Time! - Get more than two billion Credits in your account.
It's Cold Outside - Force a pilot to eject from his ship.
Liberator - Claim ten ships.
Major Miner - Mine ten units of Nividium.
Making a Difference - Complete 10 war missions.
Maze - Build a complex with five factories.
On the Beat - Earn 100,000 Credits with a police license.
Pirate Fever - Force a pilot to eject a crate worth over 10,000 Credits.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Achieve the highest reputation with the main races.
Reboot - Board and take over a Xenon Q.
Solar Shock Wave - Destroy a Solar Power Plant.
Survivor - Finish the Albion campaign in Dead-is-Dead mode.
Traveller - Visit all sectors. Unfocused jumps don't count.
Turn Up the Heat - Destroy 20 ships with the Plasma Burst Generator.
X-Treme Fighter - Achieve fight rank X-TREME.
X-Treme Trader - Achieve trade rank X-TREME.
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