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World War 2 Gi
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Nate
Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes.
Result Code
God mode - ww2god
All Items - ww2blood
Level skip - ww2level
Display frame rate - ww2rate
Full map - ww2showmap
No clipping mode - ww2clip
Debug mode - ww2debug
Mad cow mode - ww2matt
God mode - ww2ryan
* Save your game often. Because it's very easy to die in this
title, and you never know what tricks you'll come up against,
make a habit of saving every time you clear a region of enemies.
* Master the left/right strafe move. Using a mouse to turn and
keys to move forward/backward and strafe left/right works very
well. The AI gunners seem to have a problem hitting you if you
zigzag back and forth.
* Enter any new corridor or room with caution--always assume
there is an enemy there. If you're entering a dark hallway,
shoot first and ask questions later. You'll often hear the
sounds of a falling German trooper in the dark.
* Watch out for mines. They come in blue and green variations
and can be very hard to see on the ground. Use a grenade to
trigger the mines in any areas that you need to cross.
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