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Wrestling MPire 2008 Management Edition Cheats |
Wrestling MPire 2008 - Management Edition
Submitted by: RM
Wrestlers lose limbs:
Press [Alt] + L during a match.
Random roster:
Press [Alt] + J at the roster selection screen.
All rosters can be edited:
Place the pointer over the logo at the roster selection screen,
then press W + M.
All rosters locked from editing:
Press [Ctrl] + R at the roster selection screen.
Change promotion's bank balance:
Highlight an unlocked promotion, then press Q + W.
Change promotion's popularity:
Highlight an unlocked promotion, then press A + S.
Change promotion's reputation:
Highlight an unlocked promotion, then press Z + X.
Change bank balance:
Hold B and press [Plus] or [Minus] at the calendar screen.
Proposal always accepted:
Hold N while submitting a proposal.
All promos unlocked:
Press [Alt] + P at the promo selection screen.
Arena explosion:
Press E + X during a match.
Restart match:
Press [Alt] + [Delete] after a match ends.
Half health for all wrestlers:
Press [Alt] + [End] during a match.
Perform opponent's finisher:
Press [Attack] + [Run] when your "Special" is available.
Widescreen display:
Press [Alt] + W during a match
Reset all characters' statuses:
Press [Alt] + C at the roster selection screen.
Reset character's career status:
Highlight a character in the editor, then press [Backspace].
Generate new friends and enemies:
Highlight the "Relationships" option, then press [Space].
Assign new cup holder:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press C.
Injure character:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press J.
Assign new booker:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press B.
Assign new World champion:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press W.
Assign new Inter champion:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press I.
Assign new Tag champions:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press T or Y.
Copy moveset:
Highlight a character slot in the editor, then press [Home] to copy their
move set. Then, press [Home] again when in the 3D editor to give that
move set to another character.
- Each promotion has a particular feature.
- Federation Online offers more creative control.
- All American Wrestling offers better salaries.
- United Kingdom Wrestling do not care how long you sign up for.
- Rising Sun Puroresu has the most generous performance clauses.
- Maple Leaf Grappling has the most generous health care.
- Super Lucha Libre offers the least creative control.
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Wrestling MPire 2008 Management Edition for PC Cheats - Wrestling MPire 2008 Management Edition Codes - Wrestling MPire 2008 Management Edition Cheat Codes