Tag team entrances:
Submitted By Madhav Vasudev
Justin Credible/Albert/X-Pac will appear as X-Factor.
Jeff/Matt Hardy/Lita will appear as Hardy Boyz.
Hardcore/Crash/Molly Holly will appear as the Hollys.
Bubba Ray/D-Von will appear as the Dudley Boyz. This does not work with Spike.
HHH/Stephanie McMahon will appear together as HHH accompanied by
Stephanie McMahon.
Taka/Funaki will appear as Kaienti.
Bradshaw/Farooq will appear as APA.
Edge/Christian will appear as E&C.
Quick Pin Fall:
Submitted by: Rajesh Kumar Meena
When start pining with any player press starting "Guard" button
and that will give fast wining and you can make your own time record.
Get all the items unlocked:
Submitted by: Monis
While you play the game, there are some boxes outside the ring, hit them and
you will get a secret item.Pick it up By the action Button and leave it by
again pressing the action button.After you finish the championship or the
match, you will get a list of secret items Unlocked which you picked up.
Note:These type of black boxes are available either in front of the ring
or near the entrance door or on both of them.
Get items carried by the superstars:
Submitted by: Monis
When you start the game, and play any, match you will see the entrance of
your opponent. If Your Opponent Carries Something special(eg. a stick,
water bottle, or glasses, gold medal)Attack him\her duting the entrance
an keep on beating him unless the thing carried by him falls off then pick
up the item by action button and put it down andthat item will be Unlocked.
Submitted by: conner54
Fred Durst:
Win all the championship belts.
Shane McMahon:
Win the Hardcore title.
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Win the Woman's title.
Vince McMahon:
Win the WWF Heavyweight title.
Bubba Ray Dudley's glasses:
Attack Bubba Ray Dudley during his entrance.
Christian's glasses:
Fight Christian during his entrance. Keep hitting him until his glasses fall off.
Crash Holly's hat:
Fight Crash Holly during his entrance.
D-Von Dudley's glasses:
Attack D-Von Dudley during his entrance.
Edge's glasses:
Attack Edge during his entrance.
Fred Durst's hat:
Fight Fred Durst in one on one hardcore match and knock it off.
Play as Fred Durst and let another wrestler knock your hat off.
Pick it up and you will have the item.
K-Kwik's mic:
Attack K-Kwik during his entrance.
Kurt Angle's real gold medals:
Fight Kurt Angle during his entrance and steal his medals after they
fall off his head. Hit him with them sixty four times, and the real
medals will appear. They are gold and have a green band.
Perry Saturn's Moppy:
Attack Perry Saturn during his entrance.
Alternately, fight Perry Saturn in a one on one hardcore match.
Spike Dudley's glasses:
Choose a one-on-one match a fight Spike Dudley during his entrance.
Tazz's glasses:
Fight Spike Dudley during his entrance until his glasses fall off.
Triple H's water bottle:
Fight Triple H during his entrance.
Undertaker's bandanna:
Fight Undertaker during his entrance.
Undertaker's glasses:
Fight Undertaker during his entrance.
X-Pac's bandanna:
Fight X-Pac during his entrance until he drops it.
Unlock RVD:
Submitted by: Sachin
Beat Y2J in hard to unlock RVD
Submitted by: Saptarshi
beat Kane and Undertaker in an handicap match in hard level without any
interference and with a countout of 10 to unlock batista.
Quick win by PinFall:
Submitted by: Rajesh Kumar Meena
When you start pining press starting guard button.
Wrestler List:
Submitted by Madhav Vasudev
Al Snow
Big Show
Billy Gun
Bubba Ray Dudley
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
D-Von Dudley
Eddie Guerrero
Fred Durst
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
Justin Credible
Kurt Angle
Matt Hardy
Molly Holly
Perry Saturn
The Rock
Shane McMahon
Spike Dudley
Stephanie McMahon
Steve Blackman
Steve Austin
Taka Michinoku
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Vince McMahon
William Regal
Item List:
Submitted by Madhav Vasudev
#1 Crown Attack D, Effectiveness C
#2 Stone Cold Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#3 Chef Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#4 Stone Cold Hat 2 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#5 Hat 1 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#6 Python Attack D, Effectiveness D
#7 Gold Medal 1 Attack A, Effectiveness S
#8 Gold Medal 2 Attack D, Effectiveness C
#9 Spiked Collar Attack D, Effectiveness D
#10 ITC Belt Attack A, Effectiveness B
#11 European Belt Attack B, Effectiveness B
#12 Saturn Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#13 Rock Shades Attack E, Effectiveness E
#14 Baseball Cap Attack E, Effectiveness E
#15 Bubba Ray Glasses Attack E, Effectiveness E
#16 D-Von Glasses Attack E, Effectiveness E
#17 Kane Mask Attack E, Effectiveness D
#18 Mankind Mask Attack E, Effectiveness D
#19 Christian Shades Attack E, Effectiveness E
#20 Edge Shades Attack E, Effectiveness E
#21 Undertaker Shades Attack E, Effectiveness E
#22 Cool Headphone Attack E, Effectiveness D
#23 Twisted Towel Attack E, Effectiveness E
#24 Parrot Attack E, Effectiveness D
#25 Spiked Belt Attack D, Effectiveness D
#26 Cheesehead Attack C, Effectiveness D
#27 Japanese Hat 1 Attack E, Effectiveness D
#28 Hardcore Belt Attack B, Effectiveness B
#29 Heavyweight Belt Attack S, Effectiveness B
#30 Women's belt Attack C, Effectiveness B
#31 Swan Belt Attack D, Effectiveness E
#32 Santa Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#33 Bandanna 1 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#34 Bandanna 2 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#35 Bandanna 3 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#36 Bandanna 4 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#37 Bandanna 5 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#38 Triple H Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#39 Army Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#40 Wool Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#41 Miner Helmet Attack D, Effectiveness D
#42 Baseball Helmet Attack D, Effectiveness D
#43 Somebrero Attack E, Effectiveness E
#44 Headdress Attack E, Effectiveness E
#45 Turban Attack E, Effectiveness E
#46 Japanese Hat 2 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#47 Military Helmet Attack D, Effectiveness D
#48 Cowboy Hat Attack E, Effectiveness E
#49 Viking Helmet Attack C, Effectiveness C
#50 Venetian Colalr Attack E, Effectiveness E
#51 Gold Necklace Attack D, Effectiveness D
#52 Gas Mask Attack D, Effectiveness D
#53 Doctor's Mask Attack E, Effectiveness E
#54 Bullets Attack C, Effectiveness C
#55 Spike Glasses Attack E, Effectiveness E
#56 Eyepatch Attack E, Effectiveness E
#57 Silver Necklace Attack E, Effectiveness D
#58 Glasses 1 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#59 Glasses 2 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#60 X-Ray Glasses Attack E, Effectiveness E
#61 Heart Glasses Attack E, Effectiveness E
#62 Half Mask Attack E, Effectiveness E
#63 LHW Belt Attack B, Effectiveness B
#64 Hero Belt Attack C, Effectiveness C
#65 Soda Can 1 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#66 Cactus Attack D, Effectiveness C
#67 Judge Gavel Attack D, Effectiveness D
#68 Short Steel Pipe Attack C, Effectiveness B
#69 Long Steel Pipe Attack B, Effectiveness A
#70 Microphone 1 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#71 Microphone 2 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#72 Microphone 3 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#73 Water Bottle Attack D, Effectiveness D
#74 Stuffed Animal Attack E, Effectiveness E
#75 Trashcan 1 Attack A, Effectiveness D
#76 Trashcan 2 Attack C, Effectiveness D
#77 Trashcan Lid Attack B, Effectiveness D
#78 Steel Chair 1 Attack B, Effectiveness C
#79 Steel Chair 2 Attack B, Effectiveness C
#80 Table 1 Attack A, Effectiveness D
#81 Broken Table 1 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#82 Table 2 Attack A, Effectiveness D
#83 Broken Table 2 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#84 Storage Box Attack A, Effectiveness C
#85 Cardboard box Attack D, Effectiveness D
#86 Wooden Crate Attack C, Effectiveness C
#87 Ladder Attack B, Effectiveness C
#88 Plant 1 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#89 Plant 2 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#90 Fire Extinguisher Attack C, Effectiveness B
#91 Wooden Stick 1 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#92 Wooden Stick 2 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#93 Dartboard Attack C, Effectiveness D
#94 Bowling Ball Attack B, Effectiveness D
#95 Plastic Hand Attack E, Effectiveness D
#96 Strap Attack D, Effectiveness E
#97 Cigar Attack E, Effectiveness E
#98 Soda Can 2 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#99 Soda Can 3 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#100 Banana Attack E, Effectiveness E
#101 Soda Bottle 1 Attack C, Effectiveness B
#102 TV Monitor Attack A, Effectiveness B
#103 Cell Phone Attack E, Effectiveness D
#104 Ashtray Attack D, Effectiveness D
#105 Weight 1 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#106 Weight 2 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#107 Soda Mug Attack D, Effectiveness D
#108 Playing Card Attack E, Effectiveness E
#109 Showerhead Attack D, Effectiveness D
#110 Head Attack C, Effectiveness C
#111 Chair Seat 1 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#112 Barbed Wire 2X4 Attack S, Effectiveness S
#113 Bazooka Attack C, Effectiveness C
#114 Kendo Stick Attack B, Effectiveness D
#115 Tonfa Attack C, Effectiveness D
#116 Video Camera Attack S, Effectiveness C
#117 Pineapple Attack D, Effectiveness D
#118 Watermelon Attack D, Effectiveness D
#119 Baseball Bat Attack D, Effectiveness D
#120 Baseball Bat 2 Attack B, Effectiveness B
#121 Golf Club 1 Attack B, Effectiveness C
#122 Golf Club 2 Attack B, Effectiveness C
#123 Putter Attack C, Effectiveness C
#124 Wrench Attack C, Effectiveness C
#125 Umbrella 1 Attack E, Effectiveness D
#126 Umbrella 2 Attack D, Effectiveness C
#127 Sledgehammer Attack S, Effectiveness S
#128 Plunger Attack D, Effectiveness D
#129 Brush Attack C, Effectiveness D
#130 Motorcycle Handle Attack B, Effectiveness D
#131 Exhaust Pipe Attack B, Effectiveness D
#132 Frying Pan Attack C, Effectiveness D
#133 Stick Attack C, Effectiveness D
#134 Scale Attack B, Effectiveness C
#135 Rock Foam Attack E, Effectiveness E
#136 Chair Seat 2 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#137 Hardys Foam Attack E, Effectiveness E
#138 Dudleys Foam Attack E, Effectiveness E
#139 Portrait Attack D, Effectiveness D
#140 Snowboard Attack C, Effectiveness D
#141 Announcer Table 1 Attack C, Effectiveness D
#142 Bell Attack A, Effectiveness A
#143 Stop Sign Attack C, Effectiveness B
#144 Motorcycle Tire Attack D, Effectiveness D
#145 Steering Wheel Attack D, Effectiveness D
#146 Pumpkin Attack D, Effectiveness D
#147 Chair Seat 3 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#148 Announcer Table 2 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#149 Announcer Table 3 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#150 File Cabinet Attack A, Effectiveness C
#151 Giant Tuna Attack S, Effectiveness S
#152 Television Attack A, Effectiveness B
#153 Ring Stair 1 Attack A, Effectiveness B
#154 Ring Stair 2 Attack A, Effectiveness B
#155 Fighting Sticks Attack C, Effectiveness D
#156 Drumsticks Attack D, Effectiveness D
#157 Knife and Fork Attack C, Effectiveness A
#158 Broom Attack D, Effectiveness C
#159 Coat Hangers Attack D, Effectiveness D
#160 Batons Attack D, Effectiveness D
#161 Trash Can Lid Attack D, Effectiveness D
#162 Broken Chair 1 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#163 Broken Chair 2 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#164 Steel Chair 3 Attack A, Effectiveness C
#165 Steel Chair 4 Attack B, Effectiveness C
#166 Steel Chair 5 Attack B, Effectiveness C
#167 Steel Chair 5 Attack A, Effectiveness C
#168 Broken Chair 3 Attack C, Effectiveness C
#169 Broken Chair 4 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#170 Broken Chair 5 Attack C, Effectiveness D
#171 Broken Chair 6 Attack D, Effectiveness D
#172 Announcer Table 4 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#173 Ring Stair 3 Attack E, Effectiveness E
#174 APA Foam Attack E, Effectiveness E
#175 Slippers Attack E, Effectiveness E
#176 Announcer Table 5 Attack C, Effectiveness D
#177 Moppy Attack C, Effectiveness D
#178 Trophy Attack A, Effectiveness C
Submitted by Madhav Vasudev
* Do not do the same move over and over again. You'll want to mix your moves
up so you can raise your Voltage Meter so you can do your finishing
* In Tag Matches, try not to let your opponent tag in to his partner. Try to
finish the match off as soon as possible.
* Only use weapons in hardcore matches. If you use them in normal matches
then you will be disqualified.
* Keep hitting your opponents with steel chairs. If they bend or break you
can use them as new weapons.
* For some added damage, ram your opponent into the steel steps.
* Before starting any matches, go to the options menu and change the special
move controls to either the Black or White Buttons. This makes it easier to
pull off your finishing moves.
* Be sure to save your game after unlocking a wrestler or any new weapons.
To Unlock Vince McMahon:
Submitted by: Aatish
Win the WWf Championship match i.e. beat all 12 wrestlers.
Unlock More Points For Created Wrestlers:
Submitted by: Dr. Malek
At first create a wrestler then make all points to zero after that save
the wrestler. Earn all the titel with the wrestlers in normal mode.
Finally edit that created wrestler and you will find out that the points
for that wrestler have been unlimited. Enjoy!!!
Watch CPU Match Automatic:
Submitted by: Dr. Malek
Start The Game. When "Press Return Key" This Dialogue Appears, Don't
Touch Any Buttons. Just Wait Two Minutes. Then You Find Out What Happens.
Submitted by: Febin
Beat The Undertaker, Kane and The Big Show in a 3 on 1 Handicap Match and
beat them and when that lady is telling your name Type HULKAMANIA
Note : Dont type it i capital letters.
Then in Player select you will have Hulk Hogan
Submitted by: Sabhyasachi DAsguptya
This will provide you with a feast for the eyes,Well because u get your
Hands on Stephanie MCmohan by it. BNut it takes some doing While Playing
the GamePlat ththe Womens title match and win it its really not much
challenge so you'll be off with it pretty soon and as you win Wallah
here you are the Lady with the brains well "Stephanie Mcmohan" is all yours
Submitted by: Sabhyasachi Dasgupta
This is an tric with which you can actually stay away from danger and attack
at your will .
during the "Matches" just keep your distance from your opponent after you
make a move against them then just move to the closest rope side of the ring
to you of the ring then press the direction key that your back is towards
along with the grapple key and do it when the opponent is up ,most of the
times its a nice clothesline from hell that takes down the enemy ofcourse
that depends on your superstars move on the sideline but even with different
moves it still works just that it maybe different move, I'll personally
suggest you with the "create your superstar " with which you can actually
make the moves you desire come to effect .
Please send in your suggestions at "freako_bigben@hotmail.com"
and ya just enjoy the trick.
I wish you win!
*Peace people*
Sabhyasachi Dasgupta
Submitted by: Kaveen Gunawardena
When you are playing the game just hit a shot & put your oppositon down.
The Quickly put a cover and press "W" key continuesly.
Suprise Your opposition will not kick out.
Do the same when your opposion is putting U a cover.
So will be never pinfalled. Also you can do this when your opposition is
putting U a submission. FUNNY AH!
If U want more cheats or if U have any problem with this cheat pl. mail
me to this address - gokaveen@gmail.com
Submitted by: Nikhil Garg
For fast pinning, first make the opponent player fall down and then start pinning.
Now press A+S+D+F+Down Button all together in one time.
Unlock All Wrestlers:
Submitted by: Mubashar Habib
Win WWF ChampionShip as "TRIPLE H" under any Difficulty.
Unlock all Atoms:
Submitted by: Mubashar Habib
Play a EXIBITION ONE on ONE Match taking "TRIPLE H" as your Player against
"KURT ANGLE" under Normal Difficulty.If you win then You will see that all
atoms have been unlocked in Museum $ Sub-Menues of CREATE A PLAYER Menu.
Super Power:
Submitted by: Mubashar Habib
Win a Exibition Single Match Taking "TRIPLE H" as Your Player against "EDGE"
as Computer Player under any Difficulty.If you win then next any time when
you play any mode(Exibition,King of the Ring or Title Match),you will see
that your(any) player is the SuperWrestler which has always Highest Energy &
this energy never decreases so you can easily win despite under Hard Difficulty.
After winning the match (Triple H vs Edge),you will have to save the Game
else you will find no result,to get result you will have to play
(Triple H vs Edge) again & save.
Sledge Hammer:
Submitted by: Mubahsar Habib
Play one of the following matches as "TRIPLE H" against anyother WWE Superstar.
You'll see "TRIPLE H" coming with his famous "SLEDGE HAMMER" during his Entrance.
You can also use it as a weapon,while playing the matches.
The matches are;
1) Ambulance Match
2) Fall Count Anywhere
3) First Blood Match
4) Hardcore Match
5) Hell in a Cell Match
6) Last Man Standing Match
Secret Matches:
Submitted by: Mubahsar Habib
Start the Game as usual, type "HHH" (without "") at Main Menu.If done correctly,
you'll hear a confirmation sound.Save & exit the Game (Don't exit without save).
Star the Game again,you,ll see some changes in the Game.The changes are matches
unlocked in all playing modes of the Game.
Here is a list of matches unlocked in submenues of the Game;
1) Ambulance Match
2) Burried Alive Match
3) Casket Match
4) Elimination Chamber
5) Fall Count Anywhere
6) First Blood Match
7) Hell in a Cell Match
8) I Quit Match
9) Inferno Match
10) Last Man Standing Match
11) Lumberjack Match
12) Steel Cage Match
13) Special Reffree
14) Strap Match
15) TLC Match
16) Two out of three Falls
17) WWE Iron Man Match
Here is a list of matches unlocked at the Main Menu of the Game;
1)Royal Rumble;
a) 5-Men Royal Rumble
b) 10-Men Royal Rumble
c) 15-Men Royal Rumble
d) 20-Men Royal Rumble
e) 30-Men Royal Rumble
Submited by: CORN3L
E-mail : cxnl_08@yahoo.com
createing a player is recomanded beacause you can personalise them how you want.
you can choose how your player will look, how he will dress, you can customise
all his moves, to make his entrance and i will told you how to choose the
entrance song that you want. in game in 'sound' and 'bgm' is a song named
'mu_opening'. delete it and copy in that folder the song you choose for your
player and renamed it as 'mu_opening'. that's all
submited by: OLTEANU CORN3L, Romania
E-mail : CXNL_08@YAHOO.COM
To win very quick with your created superstar:
1.Go to the moves,then assign moves, then running and striking and
choose move named "clotsline". then at parameters assign to striking 10 points.
2.when you start a game kick fast you oponent with the closline (run and press d)
and try to make a pin. trust me it works 95% in my case and i win a mach in less
then 10 seconds. my record is 6 seconds. follow my advice and try to beat my time.
Submitted by: anshul
Email : atayal14@yahoo.com
hit your opponent and make him fall then go at a little distance and press action button
your power will increase if any problem do tell me
Submitted by: Somnath Roy
Hit your opponent and go out of the ring. Keep pressing the action button until your
opponent is angry and charges towards you. When your target is near, just press the
grappling button and up arrow together. Pressing the up arrow takes your grappling
power to the maximum level. when falls down pin him quickly within 4 seconds and he
wont be able to kick-out. If your wrestler throws the person then you must use this
trick on stone or metal surface.
Submitted by: shubham
type HHH in the main menu and then save & quit the game tne restart it may secret
matches will be unlocked
.beat y2j in hard to unlock rvd
.beat kane & undertaker in hard and with a 10 countout and without interference to unleash
the animal batista
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