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World Series Of Poker Deluxe Casino Pak Cheats |
World Series Of Poker Deluxe Casino Pak
Unlimited money:
Submitted by: RM
Go to a poker table and win one hand. If you have over $5,000, click on
the man in the brown suit. He will give you a comp card. Go on the elevator
to Level M. Walk into the buffet. Click on the black area as if you were going
to the next room. Chips will appear on ground. Click on them to get $1,000.
Restart with all your money:
When you are in a tournament and the buzzer goes off, do not break. Keep
going. If you lose all of you money go to the travel agency and sell you
ticket for your ride home. Then go to Pigow Poker and bet it all. When he
or she deals, select sort card. Make best hands very fast. If done correctly
an error message should appear. You can exit the game and start back at the
buzzer with all of your money.
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