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Windows Solitaire Cheats

Windows Solitaire

Cheat mode:
Start a three card draw game. Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and click on the deck
to only draw one card. Note: If you hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] at the circle at
the end of the deck, points will not be taken off your score.

Automatic win:
To automatically win the game, press [Shift] + [Alt] + 2. The cards will start 
jumping down as if you had won the game legitimately.

Reset cards:
If all cards have been revealed in Vegas mode, and the game was not completed, double
click on the circle which previously held the cards. All cards will return to their 
original position at the cost of 100 points. 

Sort cards:
Click the Right Mouse Button in an empty area to automatically move all cards to top 
section of four slots. 

Extra move and points:
Use the following trick to get an extra move. For example, if you have the Ace of Spades
(black) in the ace piles and the Two of Spades (black) up on the draw deck. You have a 
Three of Hearts (red) on a pile. If you move the Two to the Ace, you will get 10 points.
If you move the Two on top of the Three you will get 5 points. 
If you move the Two to the Three then move it to the Ace, you will get 15 points, which 
results in an extra 5 points. 

Easy points:
To get a very high score in in standard mode, get as many cards on the ace piles as 
possible in a short time. Press [Shift] + [Alt] + 2 to force an end to the game. It is 
not uncommon to get more than 20,000 points. Then, click the mouse to stop the waterfall
and on the dialog box for "Deal" click on "No". Then, press [Shift] + [Alt] + 2 again. 
The bonus points will be added again to the score and the waterfall will start again. 
If you repeat pressing [Shift] + [Alt] + 2 the score goes as high as desired. If 
someone shows you a very high score, check to see if they have done this trick by 
looking at the bonus points and the score. If the points are 10,000 and the score is 
100,000, then they have done this trick 9 or 10 times.

Draw One Card: Cheat mode (Windows 3.x):
Start a three card draw game. Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] 
and click on the deck to only draw one card. 

Reset cards (Windows 3.x):
If all cards have been revealed in Vegas mode, and the game 
was not completed, double click on the circle which previously 
held the cards. All cards will return to their original 
position at the cost of 100 points.

Submitted by:Darren

Automatic Win-When playing hold Alt+Shift+2 and all the cards will start 
jumping off the piles as if you had won.

Easy win:
Submitted by: Prakhar Sureka

Press Alt+Shift+2 and bingo!You win the game.

Windows Vista version: Keep good statistics:
If the game is not over and you are losing and do not wanted counted as a loss in your
statistics, hold [Ctrl] + Z to undo all your moves. Then, exit the game by clicking 
the red "X" icon in the top right corner of the window. 

Windows Vista version: Good scores: 
Press H and [Enter] repeatedly during game play until the game is over.
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