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Windows Minesweeper Cheats |
Windows Minesweeper
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Reveal mine:
In the Windows 98 and earlier versions, type xyzzy, press [Keypad Enter]
and [Left Shift] as soon as the game loads. Moving your pointer over a
square with a hidden mine will result in a very small black pixel
appearing in the top right corner of the screen. Alternately, type [Shift]
[Shift]xyzzy[Shift][Shift] after moving the pointer over the game area.
Note: This code does not work in the Windows Millennium Edition version
of the game.
In the Windows XP version, hold [Shift] and type "xyzzx" then press one
box. If a small white pixel appears in the top left corner, it will be
safe to click the currently highlighted box.
Windows ver. 3.0, 3.1, 3.11
Cheat: There is a indicator hidden on the screen that will tell you whethe
a space is safe.
To turn it on, type: "xyzzy", then press [ENTER], then [LEFT-SHIFT]
The pixel to look for is in the upper-left of the screen and therefore can
only be seen if you can see desktop wallpaper there.
Windows ver. 3.1, 95
After begining a new game hold Left & Right mouse buttons. Hold it while you
didnt see a letter "O". Press "Esc". Timer is stoped
Easy win:
Go to the "Game" option and click on "Custom". Make the size as follows:
height 24, width 30 and 10 mines. You should reveal a large number, if not
all, of mines on the first click. If you win the gamem the smiley face will
be wearing sun glasses.
Select the "File" option, then click on "Custom". Set both the width and height
to 100 and the mines to 10. If you are lucky you can get a one click win.
Unlimited time:
Hold the Left Mouse Button + Right Mouse Button and press [Esc]. Alternately,
hold the Left Mouse Button + Right Mouse Button + [Ctrl].
Sound effects:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "winmine.ini" file.
Add the line "SOUND=3".
Change best times:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "winmine.ini" file.
Change the lines labeled "Name1", "Name2", and "Name3". Just change the name
after the "=" sign, with the name you wish to have appear on the best times
list. Also, if you wish to edit the times which appear on the list, edit the
lines "Time1", "Time2", and "Time3", to the number of seconds.
First block:
When you are on any level, the first block you select will never be a mine
(even if it has the black pixel in the top-right of the screen).
Easy win:
On the Windows Vista version, start a game and intentionally lose. Before you
restart the game, make a note of all the mine locations. Once done, click
"Restart this game". The mines will all be at the same locations revealed
previously, allowing you to get a good score.
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Windows Minesweeper for PC Cheats - Windows Minesweeper Codes - Windows Minesweeper Cheat Codes