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Winamp Cheats


winamp mp3 player:
submitted by

select the top block of winamp and press"NUL" then Esc "L" then Esc "soft".
you will see a message on the top insteed of winamp

this is the skincheat:
Submitted by: RAMI 

The skincheat is a little easter egg in Winamp. To activate 
it type Nullsoft (with Esc  after each "l" to close the dialog) 
while the Winamp window is active. Now the title  bar of the 
main window changes into another. What appears now the skinner  
decides. Typically it is a text, short information about the 
skinner or something else.  
 If you do the skincheat and the Winamp default skin is 
loaded this text appears: "it  really whips the llamas 
ass". Try this with your other skins
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