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Who wants to be a Millionaire Kids Edition Cheats |
Who wants to be a Millionaire? Kids Edition
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Submitted By Dakotah Intriglia
To enter these codes, simply enter it as your name when playing:
Code Results
imalwaysright - Any answer correct
halfeverything - Infinite Usage of 50/50[once per question]
waytooeasy - Infinite Usage of All Lifelines
crowdcontrol - Infinite Usage of Ask-The-Audience [once per question]
callingcard - Infinite Usage of Phone-A-Friend [once per question]
outofluck - No lifelines
lookitup - No timer
shorttime - 10 seconds to answer questions
flipout - Text of answers reversed
crazysound - Alternate sound effects
totallysafe - Wrong answers drop you back to the last safe haven
Submitted by: Bobby Smith
Unlimited Phone-a-Friend:
Type in callingcard
No lifelines:
When asked for your name, do not enter anything and press [Enter]. You
will be given you the name "No-Name" and will not have any lifelines.
Fake name:
Enter Regis as a name. Regis will change your entry to a fake name. When
entering a name at the name selection screen, do not press anything. After
about five minutes Regis will name you "Slow Typist".
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Who wants to be a Millionaire Kids Edition for PC Cheats - Who wants to be a Millionaire Kids Edition Codes - Who wants to be a Millionaire Kids Edition Cheat Codes