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Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego Cheats

Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego?

Answers to startup questions: 
What capital is featured on the map on page 57?: Vienna 
What capital is featured on the map on page 61?: Helsinki 
What capital is featured on the map on page 66?: Budapest 
What capital is featured on the map on page 80?: Stockholm 
What capital is featured on the map on page 82?: London 
What capital is featured on the map on page 63?: Berlin 

Under the category Land, what is the name of the highest point mentioned on page 56?: Korab 
Under the category Land, what is the name of the highest point mentioned on page 59?: Musala 
Under the category Land, what is the name of the highest point mentioned on page 66?: Kekes 
Under the category Land, what is the name of the highest point mentioned on page 84?: Triglav 

What is the first bold-faced word found on page 4?: Mapping 
What is the first bold-faced word found on page 12?: Terrain 
What is the first bold-faced word found on page 16?: Countries 
What is the first bold-faced word found on page 18?: Animals 
What is the first bold-faced word found on page 33?: Map 
What is the first bold-faced word found on page 87?: Index 

What color is The Netherlands on page 40? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Pink 
What color is Czechoslovakia on page 40? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Pink 
What color is Austria on page 41? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Green 
What color is Hungary on page 44? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Blue 
What color is Scotland on page 36? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Yellow 
What color is Spain on page 35? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Green 
What color is Italy on page 42? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Blue 
What color is Albania on page 54? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Yellow 
What color is Denmark on page 28? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Yellow 
What color is Bolivia on page 31? (pink, yellow, blue, green): Green
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