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Wheelman Cheats


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Combining spectacular Hollywood-style stunts with a gripping storyline, 
Wheelman on PC provides an adrenaline-fueled, cinematic thrill ride 
guaranteed to leave you breathless. Vin Diesel stars as an undercover
agent and highly skilled driver who must infiltrate the Barcelona 
underworld to gather intelligence surrounding a covert heist. Posing 
as a driver-for-hire, he ends up caught in a crossfire of corruption 
and chaos while trying to stay one step ahead of local law enforcement
and rival gangs.

Wheelman on PC Features:
* Vin Diesel is The Wheelman on PC - Action film megastar Vin Diesel and 
  his Tigon Studios are again blurring the lines between entertainment 
  mediums, this time collaborating with Midway in the design and production
  of Wheelman on PC to ensure an edge-of-your-seat gaming experience. 
  Diesel's voice and likeness will appear as the game's main character,
  expert Wheelman Milo Burik. 
* Cinamatic Thrill Ride – Wheelman on PC delivers rubber-burning, asphalt-
  churning excitement that will take gamers on a white knuckle thrill ride
  that unfolds throughout the streets of Barcelona. Featuring car chases 
  inspired by Hollywood's most famous action-sequences, Wheelman on PC will
  deliver powerful cinematic moments throughout the game's compelling 
* Supermove Stunts – Survive death-defying feats by performing pulse-pounding
  maneuvers that only an expert Wheelman on PC can pull off. Pull off a Cyclone
  and spin the vehicle 360 degrees while precision firing at your enemies.
* More Than Just a Driver – Sideswipe pursuing enemies to get them off your 
  tail, execute devastating maneuvers for maximum motor vehicle carnage, or 
  grab your gun and start blasting right through the windshield. 
* Maximum Mobility – Commandeer a semi truck to leave your mark on the city. 
  Escape down a narrow alleyway on the back of a tricked-out motorcycle. Hop 
  behind the wheel of exclusively licensed vehicles and make your getaway in 
* Hit the Pavement - Even the best Wheelman sometimes needs to get out of the 
  vehicle. Take to the Barcelona streets for on-foot action – but make sure to
  remember your guns. 
* Living, Breathing Barcelona - Set in the exotic location of Barcelona, Spain.
  This classic European city is densely populated with traffic and pedestrians 
  that react intelligently to your actions as you roam around realistic 
  environments filled with massively destructible objects.
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