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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Unlimited money:
Note: Coupons will go away after you log off. Make sure you have at least one
coupon. Go to the W shop. Buy something that is too expensive. Buy as many as
you have coupons. Put the coupon(s) on the item(s) then remove the coupon(s).
Exit the W shop. Look at how many coupons you have. You can repeat this as many
times as desired and use them on anything.
Dr. Quack's sign:
The eye chart in Dr. Quack's office reads as follows.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Pet sleeps on wrong end of bed:
Buy a bed. Put your pet to sleep. Click the lower portion of the bed as your pet
sleeps. Wait for one or two seconds. Your pet should now be sleeping on the wrong
end of the bed.
Free Webkinz + 10,000 kinzcash:
It is rumered that if you go to the Adoption Center and type in 117yuihd as a
secret code you will recive a love puppy and aton of kinzcash. But there is one
downside if you don't do it correctly you could get banned like me if your
curious and you want to compare Webkinz to Neopets or shining stars this is a
good idea to try it!
Chocolate Easter Eggs:
To find this wierd easter egg (litteraly) you have to wait until it's around
easter time and sometimes when your playing in your room you may see an easter
egg floating across your screen, click on it the chocolate easter eggs will
appear in your dock. you can sell these for 10 kinzcash at the w-shop.
Speed up time:
When you log on to Webkinz, go to "Things To Do", then go to the arcade and
click on the Wheel Of Wow. Click "Spin" and minimize your browser. Open your
browser and go to any other website. You will hear the wheel spin very fast
then another noise. Open up Webkinz and the Wheel Of Wow will have been done
in five seconds.
Pet stands up on bed:
Put your Webkinz to sleep. While he or she is sleeping, talk to them. After
you say something, your pet will stand up on the bed as he or she replies to
First you must play checkers. Then when the opponet is in front of you click
your colored pawn and click on the opponets peice. If this worked correctly
your pawn would be hidden and could not be jumped.
How To Get 10000000 Kinzcash:
-Log into your Webkinz account and from your room call and invite your
friend by Webkinz phone.
-Friend must decline the call three times in a row.
-Power down the phone and then power it up again.
-Press the alt key on the keyboard and hold it down.
-Press f1, then release both keys.
-Press and release the crtl key.
-Press and hold the alt key and while holding down press and hold down
the ctrl key.
-While still holding down the keys type‚
-Spend your 10000000 Kinzcash, they all are yours!
Type “889ry5ui” and you will get 100000. Repeat 100 times.
For both cheats you will need a webkinz friend and plenty of time.
First cheat is a way to earn 5000 kinzcash/hour. You take your friend and go
to the tourment area to play a game called dicekinz. Eash of you take turns
going away from your computer for an hour or so while the other person keeps
playing and winning the big bucks!
Second one is the way to earn 7000 kinzcash/hour. Again, you with your pal go
to the tourment area and play a game dicekinz. Each of you take turns clicking
the x in the upper right coner of the Dicekinz mini-game, NOT your Webkinz
World browser window. Keep doing this over and over and make a pile of money!
Webkinz items:
Register one of the following Webkinz online to unlock the corresponding item.
Pig: Fortune Telling Pig
Elephant: Big Top Cart
St. Bernard: Ski Lodge Fireplace
Cow: Milk Truck
Hippo: Wallowing Tub
Basset Hound: Detective Desk
Black Bear: Cave Bed
Golden Retriever: Retriever Treadmill
Black/White Cat: Yarn Ball Sofa
Lion: Monarch of the Beasts Throne
Cocker Spaniel: Bone Fridge
Gold/White Cat: Kitty Dairy Fridge
Unicorn: Magic Meadow Bed
Rabbit: Rabbit Eared Television
Cheeky Cat: Cheeky Cat Range
Monkey: Monkey Business Sofa
Frog: Lily Pad Water Bed
Chihuahua: Poco Fiesta Throne
Poodle: Pretty Poodle Vanity
Tiger: Tiger Stripe Convertible
Gorilla: Great Gorilla Hanging Chair
Gray/White Cat: Cat Trick Trampoline
Cheeky Dog: Cheeky Dog Grill
Alley Cat: Big City Window
Pegasus: Rainbow Cloud Couch
Pink Poodle: Pink Convertible
Google: Google Scrying Pond
Horse: Racetrack Window
Cheeky Monkey: Banana Hammock
Polar Bear: Arctic Window
Pug: Puggy Bark-o-Lounger
Yorkie: Shaggy Yorkie Couch
Tree Frog: Tree Frog Trampoline
White Terrier: Trailblazin' Terrier Scooter
Panda: Panda Ming Vase Fridge
Bull Frog: Lord of the Pond Throne
Pink Pony: Beautiful Blush Treadmill
Dalmation: Rapid Rescue Fire Truck
Bull Dog: Fire Hydrant Fridge
Persian Cat: Super Fluffy Sofa
Love Puppy: Tender Hearts Loveseat
Beagle: Pawprint Dining Table
Black Lab: Autumn Pawprint Window
Sherbert Bunny: Springtime Basket Chair
Spotted Frog: Reeds and Rushes Sofa
Leapord: Wilds of the Jungle Sofa
Koala: Wacky Eucalyptus TV
Clydesdayle Horse: Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace
Chocolate Lab: Cocoa Basket Bed
Black Cat: Witche's Brew Bathtub
Brown Arabian: Horse Show Victory Photo
Husky: Northern Nights Bed
German Shepard: Puppy Patrol Car
Yellow Lab: Lap it up Pool
Raccoon: Garbage Can Fridge
Reindeer: Far North Sleigh
Charcoal Cat: Paw Print Fireplace
Black Friesian: Hay Bale Sofa
Seal: Icy Ocean Bathtub
Collie: Ossily Plant
Penguin: Icy Fishing Hole Fridge
Velvety Elephant: Elephant's Travel Trunk
Duck: Wetlands Pond Bathtub
Love Frog: Love Pond
Tye-Dye Frog: Tye-Dye Frog Kaleidoscope
Schnauzer: Schnauzer Jalopy
Pinto: Wooden Trough Bathtub
Gray Arabian: Three Wishes Genie Lamp
Himalayan Cat: Yeti Mountain Window
Turtle: Shell Racer
Black Poodle: Poofy Poodle Chair
Kangaroo: Desert Jumper Jeep
Black and White Cheeky Dog: Black and Chrome Paw Stove
Tiger Snake: Serpentine Stream
Pink White Cat: Pink and White Scratching Post Chair
Leapord Lizard: Lizard Lounge Chair
Bengal Tiger: Rock Ledge Bed
American Cocker Spaniel: FASTCAR Racer
Brown Dog: Patchwork Couch
Chicken: Egg Chair
Lil' Kinz items:
Register one of the following Lil' Kinz online to unlock the corresponding item.
Pig - Fortune Telling Pig
Elephant - Big Top Cart
St. Bernard - Ski Lodge Fireplace
Cow - Milk Truck
Hippo - Wallowing Tub
Basset Hound - Detective Desk
Black Bear - Cave Bed
Golden Retriver - Retriver Treadmill
Black/White Cat - Yarn Ball Sofa
Lion - Monarch of the Beasts Throne
Cocker Spaniel - Bone Fridge
Gold/White Cat - Kitty Dairy Fridge
Unicorn - Magic Meadow Bed
Rabbit - Rabbit Eared Television
Cheeky Cat - Cheeky Cat Range
Monkey - Monkey Business Sofa
Frog - Lily Pad Water Bed
Chihuahua - Poco Feista Throne
Poodle - Pretty Poodle Vanity
Tiger - Tiger Stripe Convertable
Gorilla - Great Gorilla Hanging Chair
Gray/White Cat - Cat Trick Trampoline
Cheeky Dog - Cheeky Dog Grill
Alley Cat - Big City Window
Pegasus - Rainbow Cloud Couch
Pink Poodle - Pink Convertable
Google - Google Scrying Pond
Horse - Racetrack Window
Cheeky Monkey - Banana Hammok
Polar Bear - Arctic Window
Pug - Puggy Bark-o-Lounger
Yorkie - Shaggy Yorkie Couch
Tree Frog - Tree Frog Trampoline
White Mouse - Swiss Cheese Table
15 ways to be popular in webkinz world:
These are some tips on popularity in webkinz world
* Get some cute (cool if boy) clothes. They can even be from the kinzstyle outlet.
* Have a lot of friends and hang out with them as much as possible.
* Always draw a crowd.
* Invite people to your house.
* Decorate your room really cool and invite friends and even other webkinz you
don't know.
* Tell your friends about webkinz and convince them to get a code for webkinz
(be sure they are on your friends list, and you hang out with them a lot.)
* Tell people from social or cheat websites (if you do any) about webkinz.
* Make sure you keep on hanging out with other webkinz.
* Go to the kinzville park and go to a busy park so you can draw a really big
* Talk to a friend about something that interests you and your friend, and
see if other people have the same interests.
* Be nice. Don't be the kind of popular girl (or boy) who is snobby and rude.
* Walk around talking to a friend that is following you, so that the other
webkinz can see you.
* Always have a positive attitude, and see if other webkinz will do the same.
* Only report people who are severely breaking the rules. Don't tell them you
did it though, you don't want people to think you are being mean, that could
cause you to not be popular
* Never, and I mean never, stalk someone who is not wanting to hang out with you,
people will most likely think you're a stalker, and will not want to be friends
with you!
Note: This is how to be popular in webkinz world, not doing these rules will most
likely cause you to not be popular, and potentially never make you popular!
Clothing combos:
Here are some clothing machine combos I know. You might not have the taste
for some of these.
Kimono - Chalk Flower Top, Bright Green Swim Trunks,
Smocked Sun dress
Glass Slippers - Ruby Red Shoes, Princess Hat, Pink Glasses
Superstar Shirt - Purple Mod Hat, White Hollywood Shades, Funky Flower Pants.
Beautiful Blue Ballgown - Powdered Blue Skirt, Blue Bow, Ballerina Top.
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