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Wazzal Cheats


Submitted by: conner54  
Saving fuel:
When the gravity of a planet is pulling you in, do not waste fuel by 
trying to fight it. Instead, hit reverse, when you hit the planet, 
hit the accelerator. You will be be flung out at almost maximum speed.

Last ship:
The last ship in the game rotates around Mimas (or wherever the 
planet/moon/asteroid the base is located) and has a maximum HP of 
9,000. You can also find this ship at Venus, guarding the planet. 
It will take a large amount of money to repair the ship if you 
manage to disable it. You cannot use it outside of battle, because 
it sends you to the sun and you cannot move with it. It has homing 
weapons and a fast overheat rate. As desirable as the ship may seem, 
it is best that you not try to capture it. 
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