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Warlords Call to Arms Cheats |
Warlords - Call to Arms
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Press "C" at the main menu, then enter one of the following codes.
Effect Code
Men of dragons - firemen
Golden knights - richbitch
Goblins - littlething
Dwarfs - repuncel
Ghosts - casper
Mount Doom - bigthing
Camalot - arther
Volcano of the damed - hothothot
Unlimited money - no spawn time
Level skip - skippy
Guards and unlimited money - infinite power
Infinite Power:
Submitted by: Ng Jun Hong
The code is infinite power,it gives you the power to summon guards without
waiting and unlimited money.
Victory cheat:
Submitted by: dak hamee
Press c at main menu type "skippy" then in battle press "h"..!
Unlocked Charater:
Locked any Cheat and Charaters
Unlockable How
Dragon Mountain - Mountain
Witch - Z_spawn witch
Zombie - Z_spawn
Tank - Z_spawn Tank
Infinity Health - Zombat
Map Unlocked - Map 34
speed Call army - Call Faster
Call Help - HELP.
Submitted by: masterkevin123
You have all troops being summon (you can use it at campaign. Even continue
campaign also can.) first, you press "c" in the war n press "a" n all the will
be summon.
Easy Money:
Submitted by: RoBeRtO
* First you only need to open any Website with Warlords: Call to Arms.
* Then play the first round.
* Then do a right click with your mouse and click "forward" 4 times and you
will have get 25 coins.
* You can do that so often how you want.
Lose and get money:
Submitted by: RoBeRtO
When you are sure, you will lose, click on "Surrender". You will then lose, but
more money get as you get, when you will completely lose.
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