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War Games
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: maxim
Cheat mode:
These codes can be accessed in single player mode by hitting 't' and typing them
or by hitting one of the F1....F4 keys.
Code Result
eyeofgod - Allows extra level of zoom on lower level machines
saladtossed - Choose level (You will have to go to the load screen after and do that
CTRL h/w thing)
twobyfour - Builds units (ex: twobyfour dragoon)
hermes - Speeds up building of units
donkeys - Anything that shoots a missile shoots jeeps
instead of missiles
morningafter - Removes fog of war
gimmiegimmie - Allows you to build everything, even without
command center
unclejohn - God mode
chaching - Adds 10,000 to cash total every time it is entered
mrmuscle - Upgrades player's armor
bigsofty - Downgrades enemy armor
coffee - Upgrades player's speed
beer - Downgrades enemy speed
shaft - Upgrade player's firepower
shank - Downgrade enemy's firepower
Hint Select any Level:
1. Enable the code, exit the current mission, and press [Ctrl] + H + W at the main menu.
Then, click on "Load" and select any mission.
2. Valid names include dragoon, centre, defence, and other designations used in the game.
Destroy all enemies:
Pause your game. Go to the upper left corner of the screen and you'll see a pop up that
says surrender. Click it and unpause the game. The screen will look like it locked up.
Pause the game again and then unpause it. All enemy units and buildings will disappear
and in most cases, you will win the mission (not counting missions where you need to
capture an enemy building, because since it is destroyed, you will fail).
Unlimited cloke:
With the cloking tanks just press and hold the cloke button and it will count down into
the - then let go and have unlimited cloke.
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Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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