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WarCraft 2 Cheats

WarCraft 2

While playing Warcraft II, press Enter to enable 
the message prompt.
Here you can type in the following cheat codes:

Code                      Description
          Full Version
UNITE THE CLANS           Takes you to the scenario's victory sequence. 
YOU PITIFUL WORM          Takes you to the scenario's loss sequence. 
HATCHET, AXE AND SAW      Accelerates producion of lumber. 
ON SCREEN                 Shows whole map. 
THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE     Takes you to finale sequence. 
NEVER A WINNER            Makes victory impossible. 
Deck me out               Upgrades everything.
glittering prizes         10000 gold, 5000 lumber and oil.
hatchet                   Wood.
it is a good day to die   God mode.
make it so                Speeds up building process.
showpath                  Displays the entire map.
valdez                    5000 oil.
tigerlily                 Enables warp mode:
human#                    Human scenario number #.
orc#                      Orc scenario number #.

           Demo/Shareware Version
cash                      10000 gold, 5000 lumber and oil.
fastbuild                 Speeds up building process.
showmap                   Displays the entire map.
allowjumps                Enables warp mode:
human#                    Human scenario number #.
orc#                      Orc scenario number #.
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