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Virtua Tennis 3 Cheats

Virtua Tennis 3

Drop Serve:
Submitted by: Deepjyoti Barman

When serving in a match press down,slice,top spin button at once.

Get Blue Racket:
Submitted by: Deepjyoti Barman

Win all 4 grand slams in world tour.
if it won,t works send email at 

Submitted by: RM

Unlock King:
Select Tournament mode and win the singles matches without losing to 
the CPU and get a flawless "D" or worse rank. When challenged by King, 
defeat him to unlock him as a playable character.

Unlock Duke:
Select Tournament mode and win the singles matches without losing to the 
CPU and get a flawless "C" or better rank. When challenged by Duke, defeat 
him to unlock him as a playable character.

Unlock Frying Pan:
To unlock the Frying Pan as a tennis racket, get three strikes in a row in 
the Pin Crusher mini-game.

Quick Volley skill increase:
In Career mode, play the "Defend The Prize" mini-game repeatedly. Choose 
one prize and stand in front of it (ignore the others). Simply defend that 
one prize. You will easily win the mini-game every time and be able to 
increase your Volley skill as quickly as desired.

Guitar racket:
Defeat King or Duke in a SPT final. 

Tambourine racket:
Make a total of 100 lob shots. 

Wooden racket:
Win King Of Players mode.

Unlock blue hand racket:
Submitted by: CrazyHacker

Hit 1000 max serves in career mode.

Easy points:
Submitted by: rahul

While defending to receive a shot from opponent, just before the opponent hits it,
make a move in any direction and then the opposite. you will always receive the 
ball at the opposite direction in which you moved last.
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