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Virtua Cop
In the middle of the game, press pause and type "BANG".
Play as gold dural:
In the character selection menu, press DOWN, UP, RIGHT, then DEL+LEFT.
You should here a confirming sound
Play as silver dural:
In the character select menu, press DOWN, UP, RIGHT, then DEL+LEFT
Add dural to the records screen:
At the start screen, press UP 17 times, then press ENTER. Go to the options
screen, and you should hear "RING OUT!".
Slow motion replaying:
At the end of the round, hold DEL+END+PGDN before the character does their
victory stand.
Choose victory phrase:
Hold either DEL, END or PGDN, and you can choose.
Stage select and ring size:
At the start screen, press UP 12 times, and press ENTER. Go to the options menu,
and you should here "K.O.!". Move the cursor to the exit, and press down once
more to make the cursor disappear. Press DEL and a second options menu will
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