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Vietnam - Black Ops
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Christopher Eastman
Typing the letter T on your keyboard will open up the
game interface. With the game interface open,type the
word or your cheats in.
Code Result
AMMO - gives you all the ammo.
WEAPONS - gives you all the weapons.
NOCLIP - you go into a "steath" mode. You cannot shoot
anything,but you will be invisible to the enemy
and be able to walk through the walls and such.
To exit out of this mode type the word-NOCLIP again
and you will exit out of that mode.
GOD - this will put you into 'GOD MODE' and you cannot die.
Type it again to out of 'GOD MODE'!
REMOVEAI - removes all enemy
EASY - sets game to easy mode
NORMAL - sets game to normal mode
HARD - sets game to hard mode
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Vietnam Black Ops for PC Cheats - Vietnam Black Ops Codes - Vietnam Black Ops Cheat Codes