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Victoria An Empire Under The Sun Cheats |
Victoria An Empire Under The Sun
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54
When playing game press [F12] then type any of these cheats below
and press enter again.
Code Result
TRANSPORTS - Get Transports
PRESTIGE - Get Prestige
MONEY - Get loads of Money
LEADERSHIP - Get Leaders
DIFRULES - Play like a God
NOWAR - No War
NOREVOLTS - Defeat all
NOLIMIT - No Troops Limits
NOFOG - No Fog
HANDSOFF - Hands off all
SHOWID - Get Province IDs
FULLCONTROL - Total Control
event 100 - Land unit morale upgrades
event 101 - Land unit organization upgrades
event 102 - Infantry +1 defense, +2 max fortifications
event 24008 - 8 Research points
event 109 - Gas attacks unlocked
event 110 - Defense against gas attacks unlocked
event 112 - +2 fire value for infantry
event 200 - +10 morale to naval units
event 201 - +10 organization to naval units
event 212 - Corvettes unlocked
event 213 - Steamer transports replace Clippers
event 214 - Commerce Raiders unlocked
event 215 - Ironclads unlocked
event 216 - Monitors unlocked
event 217 - Cruisers replace Frigates
event 218 - Torpedo Boats unlocked
event 219 - Destroyers unlocked
event 220 - Dreadnoughts unlocked
event 221 - Heavy Cruisers unlocked
Cheat mode:
Press [F12] during game play, type one of the following codes,
then press [Enter] to activate the cheat function.
Note: Entering a code without any number after it results in 100
units, while adding a number afterwards will give you that many
units. For example, small_arms 10000 will result in 10,000 small
Effect Code
100 ammunition - ammunition
100 artillery - artillery
100 cattle - cattle
100 cement - cement
100 coal - coal
100 coffee - coffee
100 cotton - cotton
100 dye - dye
100 explosives - explosives
100 fabric - fabric
100 fertilizer - fertilizer
100 fruit - fruit
100 fuel - fuel
100 furniture - furniture
100 glass - glass
100 grain - grain
100 iron - iron
100 liquor - liquor
100 lumber - lumber
100 oil - oil
100 opium - opium
100 steel - steel
100 sulfur - sulfur
100 tea - tea
100 timber - timber
100 tobacco - tobacco
100 wine - wine
100 wool - wool
100 airplanes - aeroplanes
100 automobiles - automobiles
100 barrels - barrels
100 canned food - canned_food
100 paper - paper
100 rubber - rubber
100 silk - silk
100 small arms - small_arms
100 steel - steel
100 sulfur - sulfur
100 telephones - telephones
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
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Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
More Infos
Victoria An Empire Under The Sun for PC Cheats - Victoria An Empire Under The Sun Codes - Victoria An Empire Under The Sun Cheat Codes