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Urban Assault
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Santiago Regí
Having more energy:
1) Start a game and save it without doing anything.(put the name that you want)
2) Go to My PC
3) Go were you have installed Urba Assault
4) When you find the carpet enter and find one called SAVE
5) Enter and find a carpet with the name of the saved game
6) Example C:\Urban Assault\Save\ Your archive
7) When you get in you will find a TXT file that is called User
Get in and you will find this and a very big list, but you only need this:
playerstatus = 0_0_0_1035630
playerstatus = 1_126_49_1035630_180_7830_4_3
playerstatus = 2_0_0_1035630_0_0_0_0
playerstatus = 3_0_0_1035630_0_0_0_0
playerstatus = 4_0_0_1035630_0_0_0_0
playerstatus = 5_0_0_1035630_0_0_0_0
playerstatus = 6_1_0_1035630_25_35_0_0
playerstatus = 7_0_0_1035630_0_0_0_0
maxroboenergy = 92500 Change
maxreloadconst = 92500 Change
numbuddies = 128 Change
beamenergy = 700 Change (beamgate energy)
jodiefoster = 0_0_0_0_0_0_1_0 ; the contact flags
The lines that you have to change are MAXROBOENERGY, MAXRELOADCONST,
NUMBUDDIES and BEAMENERGY, delete the number and change it (it has
to be a number higher than the original, try with 6000000 in all the
lines that I have said). Don't put a higher number or when you start
your host energy will go down. DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING ONLY THE NUMBERS.
8)Press start and Restart Game
Submitted by: michael
open word pad useually found in accesories under the start menu load the
urban assault files. Then load the save file then pick a save eg sdu7 then
select user.text. If this is not shown you may have only certain types of
fie being displayed so change this to all files. once u have opend this
scroll down till you reach level staus 99 then change the =1 to =2.
Once this is done load up UA and then the saved game (in this case sdu7)
then you should see a yellow button in the top left corner with "debug" on it .
click on this and it will load up a secret mission. in this mission u will have
all vehicle types and buildings including enemey units and u will also have an
evilfurze which i think is suposed to be the secret wepon when u type swepon
while holding shift but this does not seem to addition u will have
increased energy uptake and host station total energy. once u complete this
mission u will have all the resistance vehicles + evilfurze +increased enrgy
absortion + hoststation life energy :-) Happy gameing
Submitted by: Mathew Blackhurst
When a enemy is attacking your host station press F6 and hold it
down and when your host station is destroyed you will be automatically
be transported to an enemy host station.
Submitted by: Mass Resistance
( You must be in the host station to do this )
When your host station is about to be destroyed,
simply hold down the F6 key, and when your host
station is destroyed, you will be transfered to
an enemy host station. ( Only works if enemies
are destroying you, and not the energy of the
sector )
Type in the following codes during gameplay:
SWEAPON (while holding [Shift])-Gain new vehicle
with a bonus weapon
Filehacks 1
Submitted by: Aditya Lele
When in a game save the scenario and go to windows explorer.
Open a file in the save directory which coressponds to the
time you started the game, it will have an .RST extension.
About 2/3 way down the file (open it in wordpad) you will
find three grids which match the grid in which you are playing
The first grid is for ownership of grids the second is for
buildings where you can put a double digit as o1 which
represents a powerstation so when you go back you have lots of
powerstations with humongous power (provided you have turned
all the values in the ownership grid as 01 aswell)I am yet to
decipher the third and the largest grid termed energy grid.
Filehacks 2
When you start a mission immediately pause it and go to
windows explorer. Look under the 'Saved' directory in the
directory that Urban Assault was saved in and in your
savegame directory look for a file with an .
RST extension with a time that corresponds with the time you
started the mission. Now edit this file using Wordpad (it's
just a long text file). Most of it I haven't interpreted yet
but about 2/3 the way down you'll find a grid setup with the
title 'Ownermap' and it will consist of a series of 2 digit
numbers setup in a grid which coincidentally matches the grid
setup for the map you're currently playing. Change all values
in the Ownermap to '01' which gives you ownership of all cells
in the grid. Save the file and exit. Return to the game and start
it up again.
Now the extension .RST stands for restart. So click on the 'X'
in the bottom right of the screen and pick 'Restart mission'.
When you restart you will have ownership of all cells and this
seriously screws up the enemies ability to collect power and
consequently create vehicles etc. And you'll be able to collect
HUGE amounts for doing just that. The enemy will have to spend
the first little while re-capturing powerstations and cells to
try to gain power back and in the meantime you can just pound
There is also a 'Buildingmap' which I've experimented with to
try to give myself some flak stations but it hasn't worked yet.
If I find anything else out I'll letcha know.
Cheat Codes:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy
of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "user.txt"
file in the "\microsoft games\urban assault\save\" folder in the game
directory that corresponds to your username. Change the ''status = 1''
entry to ''status = 2''. Start the game and load the save that was changed.
A "Debug" level can now be selected. Complete the debug level to unlock
all buildings and all Resistance units for other levels.
Regain energy faster:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy
of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "user.txt"
file in the "\microsoft games\urban assault\save\" folder in the game
directory that corresponds to your username. Increase the value of the
"maxreloadconst" line to set the maximum amount of energy that can be
recharged over twenty seconds. Note: Entering a value approaching 10000000
may cause the game to glitch.
All weapons:
Press T during game play.
Change Hoststation:
When you are about to be blown up, hold [F6] and you will be taken to a
different Hoststation. Note: If you complete the level you will be back
as the Resistance when done.
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