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Ultimate Soccer Manager Cheats |
Ultimate Soccer Manager
Cheat Mode:
Enter your name as MAKE BELIEVE and any time during the game you
can increase your finances by 100,000 pounds by simply pressing
the + key. You can keep doing this, till you have enough to cash
to keep you happy for a few seasons.
You can also press the following during the game to enable other
Key Results
E - will take you straight to a penalty shoot out.
F - gives away a foul
G - attributes a goal to the last player to pass the ball.
1 - ends the match instantly with a 1-0 result.
2 - ends the match instantly with a 2-0 result.
3 - ends the match instantly with a 3-0 result.
4 - ends the match instantly with a 0-1 result.
5 - ends the match instantly with a 0-2 result.
6 - ends the match instantly with a 0-3 result.
[Plus] - £100,000
[Esc] - End match using current score
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Ultimate Soccer Manager for PC Cheats - Ultimate Soccer Manager Codes - Ultimate Soccer Manager Cheat Codes