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Tzar Burden of the Crown Cheats |
Tzar - Burden of the Crown
Submitted by: Jack
Hit [ENTER] to bring up the dialog box, type cheat and press [ENTER] again to activate.
Code Result
hmnofog - removes the fog of war
hmreveal - reveals the map
hmspawn [class name] - spawns an object of specified class
hmdvaleva - gives the player 10000 of each resource
hmpetleva - gives the player 50000 of each resource
hmbuildozer - toggles instant build
hmnotech - enables/shows all greyed/hidden
technology buttons
hmkingdom [number] - changes the kingdom of the selected
hmnopop - sets population limit to 1000
hmgod - makes selected units invulnerable
hmtime [hour] - sets the game time
hmhunt - kills all animals on map
hmusurp - player can command the selected units/
regardless of their owner
hmspy - player can see what the selected units
[tech class] - discovers specified technology
hmprettypleasewithsugarontop - enables cheats in multiplayer game
(all the players
should enter it)
hmnext - opens next map when playing campaign
hmischeater - did the player cheat
hmcalc [expression] - calculate the expression
hmresign - player resigns
by: Indra Permata Dinda
Hit [ENTER] to bring up the dialog box, type cheat and
press [ENTER] again to activate.
Code Result
hmnext - skip current level
HMGOD - God Mode for Currently Selected
HMREVEAL - Show Entire Map
HMNOFOG - Remove Fog of War
HMPETLEVA - 50,000 for All Resources
HMDVALEVA - 10,000 for All Resources
HMTIMER - Shows Timer
HMUSURP - Lose Control of Main Buildings
HMNOTECH - Buildings/Units Don't Depend on
HMKINGDOM x - Selected Unit Becomes Part of
Player x's Unit (1-9)
HMSPAWN name - Spawns Any Unit From the Game
Calculator1 - hmcalc *
Display map grid. - hmshowgrid
* Enter a number followed by an operator such as +, -, *, or / and another number
to have the game calculate the result.
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Tzar Burden of the Crown for PC Cheats - Tzar Burden of the Crown Codes - Tzar Burden of the Crown Cheat Codes