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Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Cheats |
Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil
Cheat Codes:
While playing a game, enter one of the following Codes:
Code Result
TROMPEM - Big hands and feet mode
BIGBADNOODLE - Big head mode
HELLOSTICKY - Stick mode
PICASSO - Pen and Ink mode
HENRYSBILERP - Gouraud mode
YOQUIEROJUAN - Juans cheat
LEGOMANIAC - Zach attack cheat
INEEDAUPS - Blackout mode
WIZARDOFOZ - Tasty frooty stripes
Alternate cheat codes
UBERNOODLE = big head mode
HOLASTICKBOY = Stick Man mode
STOMPEM = big hands and feet mode
PIPSQUEAK = makes enemies tiny
IGOTABFA = pen-and-ink mode
WHATSATEXTUREMAP = Garoud mode (weird colors)
While playing a game, enter one of
the following key combinations:
ALT-CTRL-B = enable boxes
ALT-CTRL-R = toggle rain
ALT-CTRL-W = toggle wind
ALT-CTRL-S = toggle snow
For weapon sighting coordinates
While at the target range and ready to shoot, press ALT-CTRL-T.
Fire to display targeting coordinates in X-Y format. Use the
cursor keys to adjust the coordinates until they are set to 0-0.
The weapon is now sighted in.
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
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Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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Turok 2 Seeds of Evil for PC Cheats - Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Codes - Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Cheat Codes