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Turbo Tanks
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: dylan
Level Password
Level 5 - Stone
Level 8 - Loose
Level 11 - Round
Hints - General strategies:
Submitted by: David K
*Build up your bonus lives by taking as few hits from enemy tanks as
*Find a good position to take enemy tanks out from. Do not stand still,
keep your tank mobile within that good position. Abandon a position if
overwhelmed. Move forward when firing and then reverse away after firing
when appropriate.
*Keep constant fire to keep the enemy off balance. When you fire, turn
your tank slightly while letting a volley 5 shots to get a wide range
and maximum chance of a hit. The computer tanks can't as easily avoid a
wide volley of shots.
*Use angle shots to your advantage. Try to trap enemy tanks in bad positions
where shots will richochet all about them and take many hits.
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