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Turbo Subs
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Chris
Go to ...\Turbo Subs\Data\Config\Game...
* Open "scores1.ini", "scores2.ini", and "scores3.ini".
* Then edit the "tip1" and "tip2" to a amount that you think your worth.
* You will find that the game becomes alot easier.
F-A-S-T Rebecca Server!:
Submitted by: Seth
This Cheat (a little edit) will make Rebecca moves around VERY fast.
1.> Goto ...\Turbo Subs\Data\Config\Game
2.> Open file "c_rebecca.ini" then go to Line That Says "speed_move_world_1",
"speed_move_world_2" and "speed_move_world_3" and Edit its Value.
Don't forget to add .0 (like 2000.0). I Suggest using speed of 2000.0
3.> Save the File. Then open the Game.
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