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Turba Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. 
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement        Description
All Pro          - Reach pro level 3 with every Special Power.
Bombs Away       - In Ascend mode and on Moderate or Intense difficulty, 
                   disarm no bombs and still pass the song.
                   (min. 10 bombs spawned)
Clearing the Way - Clear 1,500 combos.
Cool Million     - Accumulate 1,000,000 lifetime points.
Fully Powered    - Unlock all Special Powers.
Getting Started  - Finish a song of at least 1 minute in each game mode.
Hard Headed      - In Ascend mode and on Intense difficulty, pass a song 
                   while scoring 250,000 points and activating no Special
Hoarder          - Pass a song while clearing every last Silver Block
                   (min. 10 Silvers spawned).
In Sync          - You are one with the music and reached a Beat Streak 
                   of 15.
Linked Up        - Select a combo of each color and make it so all the 
                   combos touch and link together.
Master Eraser    - Clear 3,000 combos.
Pile O' Points   - Accumulate 10,000,000 lifetime points.
Semi-Pro         - Reach pro level 3 with any one Special Power.
Starting Strong  - On your first clear of a round in Ascend or Descend, 
                   gain enough points to fill your Special Bar.
The Big Score    - Rack up 500,000 points on any song less than 5 minutes
                   long, before endgame bonuses.
The Century Mark - Complete 100 songs of at least 1 minute in length.
The Checklist    - Review your 12 pages of stats and find that nothing is
                   at zero (Lowest Round Score excluded).
You're Special   - Activate your Special Power 4 times on a song less than 
                   2 minutes long.
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