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Trials 2 Second Edition Cheats |
Trials 2 - Second Edition
Submitted by: RM
Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Acrobat - Awarded for completing all Wheelie and Flip tracks without
any falls. That's solid driving by any standard.
Bad Vibes - Awarded for falling between the last checkpoint and the
goal after an otherwise flawless run in any hard level.
Balls of Jorma - Completed Construction Work by leaning on the gas pedal for
the run and never touch the brake. That's how coder Jorma
does it. Oh, and he never falls!
Been There - Awarded for completing every track in the game. Now let's
see you do that without falling down.
Beer Case - Completed King of the Beer without a fall. Zakor, the first
guy to ever pull it off, actually won a case of beer for
doing this.
Boner - Awarded for completing Ladder Madness without changing your
posture. No falls allowed.
Inferno - Pass Inferno under 6 min, doing less than 6 fault and doing
6 flips. Beware, many brave men have lost their souls while
trying to get this achievement
Intro of Speed - Yeah, you went really fast on Basics of Handling.
Maracas - Awarded for managing to do 10 flips in an environment completely
unsuitable for doing so. It's going to be a Jumpy Ride!
Newton - Awarded for completing all Dynamic levels without any falls.
You defy the laws of physics!
No Gain No Pain - Clocked over 10 hours of driving. Taking classes at the school
of hard knocks, are we?
Pilot's License - Reach 20 seconds of air time in Big Jumps without falling once.
Seriously, what do you DO up there? Inquiring minds want to know.
Speed Boost - Completed all the Easy tracks in under 6 minutes without a fall.
Confidence and style. What's not to like?
Speed of Jorma - Beat Jorma Highway in under 18 seconds. Do you even know where
the brake is?
Superhuman - Completed every Hard level without a single fall. That's just
insane. Seriously, are you even human?
Top Dog! - Reached number one position on a track's leaderboard. Now let's
see you STAY there.
Top Score - Reached the top five on a track's leaderboard. One of the elite
few by any standard.
True Fan - Awarded for being downright awesome. It's not about performance
on the bike, it's about being seriously cool.
Voltman - Performed over 60 flips on the flip tracks without a single fall.
Guess drivers like this don't even need helmets.
Wheelie Man - Awarded for a total of 200 meters of wheelies in the wheelie
tracks without a fall. What are you, a human gyroscope?
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