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Transformers War For Cybertron Cheats

Transformers - War For Cybertron

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Play as Arcee:
Successfully complete the Autobot campaign to unlock Arcee in Escalation
and Multiplayer modes.

Play as Slipstream:
Successfully complete the Decepticon campaign to unlock Slipstream in 
Escalation and Multiplayer modes.

Stuck in Air:
* If you find your Transformer stuck in mid-air due to a bad collision, you 
  can generally initiate a transformation, and the game will "bump" your robot
  back into the playfield.
* If you fall through the floor though (often as a vehicle), you need to
  restart from your last checkpoint.

Broken Hope Hide-Away:
On Broken Hope, it's possible for a Scout chassis with dash to get on top of 
the Tram-way. First, get on top of the 2nd story for the main courtyard, and 
make your way to where the bridge extends into the X12 Scrapmaker (Chain/Gatling
gun) room and turn around so you can see the over shield room.

The jump from between the two robot statues is clear-able with a vehicle-to-robot
dash-jump: throttle up, jump from the closest point (it's not an exact science, 
you don't need much skill to make this part, unless you're attempting it with a 
non-Scout chassis with dash), jump, transform preferably as you're still gaining
altitude, and dash into the window.

After smacking against it, turn to your right, and sidle along the edge until 
you're as close as possible to the tram.

This is the tricky part: double-jump while headed to the right, and dash forward 
once you get at the correct position to make it into the nook between the destroyed
section. If you've made it this far, you're golden.

Just transform to squeeze under the the rail-way, and there you go. As mentioned 
before, it should be possible to do it with any character capable of dashing, the
first jump would be about timing, timing, timing: transform at the point where you
can jump from between the two statues, and double-jump, to dash.

The second one seems to be perfectly within the Big Bot's jumping distance. 
This isn't particularly useful, but a trick that might help your friends, or keep
you alive if you're the last one left. If you are the last one left, believe me, 
this is one those things you wanna be able to nail every time.

Stuck in Air?:
If you find your Transformer stuck in mid-air due to a bad collision, you can 
generally initiate a transformation, and the game will "bump" your robot back 
into the playfield.

If you fall through the floor though (often as a vehicle), you need to restart
from your last checkpoint.
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