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Tradewinds Legends Cheats |
Tradewinds Legends
Submitted by: David K.
* Battles do not begin until you fire a shot. You can set up curses on enemy ships
in advance and they will be cast as soon as you fire.
* Try to work on as many tasks as possible at the same time. When this is the case,
you can frequently accomplish multiple goals while in a particular port and advance
more quickly through the game.
* Hold the [CTRL] button to see which buildings are in a particular port.
* Press the SPACE BAR while reading task dialogue to instantly finish what the
character's saying.
* Be sure to peruse the Magic Shops from time to time. As your reputation within
the Ten Kingdoms improves from tasks and victorious battles, the vendors will
offer you more potent (and more costly) special items.
* First Moon has the same number of days as January, Second Moon the same
as February, etc...
* Whenever you start a new game, the fates determine the complete range of
prices for all goods. This means that the next time you start a game, you
will have to watch the market once more to see what the high and low
prices will be.
* In combat, you can select individual ships and have them flee the battle
while others stay on to fight. This is especially useful if you have
unarmed ships.
* It is sometimes good to have some ships in your fleet remain unarmed so
that they are able to carry a maximum amount of cargo. In battle, you
may select these ships to flee while the armed ships remain to battle.
* Using the 'Continue' option rather than the 'Saved game' may be a better
choice if you are defeated in battle. The 'Saved game' feature will load
your last saved game spot while the 'Continue' option will load the game
from the last port sailed from. You can avoid a lot of repeating yourself
if it has been a while since you last saved your game.
Tips and Tricks:
Get some cash quickly from the start by buying low and selling high as you move
from 1 port to the next. Later on, when you have warehouse, move as much
contraband item in as you can. Return later on to see if it's banned (marked by
N/A at the price column in Bazaar) then sell them for great profit.
Try using curses as much as possible (Ifrit's Fire is good for starting, move
on to Plague later on, use it on big ships to stop them from showering your
fleet with cannonballs and probably destroy 1 or 2 cannons which costs even
more than 1 Plague)
Once you can get into ports with any cargo ie the authroitys look away if you
have weapons and they are banned you can get a much higher price for them pay
5500 for weapons and sell them on for 17000 in some cases.
Easy money:
When starting Free Trade mode, begin by trading salt. As you advance in wealth,
start with wine. Any salt at or under 40 is cheap and is often beaten by price
at other ports. For wine, 100 or under is a steal. Buy it cheap and sell at any
sort of profit.
In Story mode, you should also trade as this helps your funds grow.
Firstly this how you start:
Go and a couple missions with ever char you have. Now at the start don't purchase
a ship if you don't have any money cannons. Also start buying and trading goods
when you have around 10 000. when you have approximately 30 000 in money, put
around 5000 in the bank so you get some interest. For combat use the spells at
a later level. When you have at least 4 or 5 ships with 2 ships have 100 hp,
start buying stone golems and heavy cannons.
* This doesn't work so well in story-mode, but in free trade mode, sell all five
of your cannons, 7500 dinar, and borrow 15000 dinar, buy one cannon back. The
first port has low prices on all the goods, so buy some of each. If you run into
trouble use the cannon-busting curse, and you will probably beat an unarmed ship
with your one cannon. But buy your cannons back as soon as you've got good profit
coming in. Invest heavily in your tithing if you want to trade in contraband goods.
There are four important pieces of information you want to get each month.
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