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Toy Soldiers
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement How to Unlock
Base Rat (15) - Found all of the golden cubes in The Kaiser's Battle.
Brass Hat (25) - Completed Campaign+ and earned all Ration Tickets.
Coffin Nails (30) - Completed the Campaign.
Flying Pig (20) - Defeated Zeppelin.
Foo Fighter (10) - Shot down 40 UFOs with your P-51 Mustang.
Foot Slogger (10) - Earned General Rank on a level.
Grass Cutter (10) - Earned a 40x blast combo.
Land Ship (25) - Defeated the K-Wagen.
Mr. Roboto (25) - Defeated RoboBob.
Old Sweat (20) - Defeated Uber Tank.
Rocketman (15) - Found all of the golden rockets in Invasion.
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