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Torture Chamber 2
Unlockable torture devices:
* The first is at 1000 Points (Hold x to unlock) Unlocks Pistol
* The second at 2500 Points (Raise the temperature to 212 and the
Gravity to 16) Unlocks adrenaline
* The third at 5000 points (Raise the temperature to 211.9 and the
Gravity to 16) Unlocks Oxygen Control
* The final one at 10000 points (Turn off the oxygen by pressing space
bar and then clicking off, press ctrl and use the gun and shoot him
in the head until his health is right around 50, then use the adrenaline
until his health is over 100 again. Then raise the temperature to 212 and
the Gravity to 16. When his health is less than 5 press the raise
temperature and he will burn.
You should have over 10000 points) Unlocks Lindsay Lohan
Killing Bonuses:
* Burned Alive (Over 212 temp) +1500
* Squashed (Gravity over 16) +1000
* Adrenaline Overload (Hit the adrenaline button too many times) +1250
* +10000 for using Lindsay Lohan (does not kill)
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