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Tomb Raider
Hexcheats (Tomb Raider 1996):
Submitted by:Nguyen Trung Hieu
While playing game, save game. Use Alt+Tab to return windows, go to save game
and go to:
0x0000018C change to F401
0x0000018E change to 8813
0x00000190 change to F401
0x00000197 change to 1F
0x00000199 change to BA
0x0000019A change to 02
*You will have all weapons.
0x00000192 change to FFFF
0x00000641 change to FFFF
0x0000064D change to FFFF
0x00000659 change to FFFF
*You will have maximum Ammo, Small, Large Medipack
tom clarke, Submitted the following Information:
To ride on a raptor or a t-rex at the lost valley, just shoot the dinosaur 2 times
with your shotgun and turn around and do a backflip to ride on it(this cheat needs
a lot of practise to succeed so just be patient if it doesn't work).
All Gun:
Submitted by: Cory
While playing walk foward once [ hold shift and press up] Then walk backwards once
[hold shift and press down] hold right utill she does a 1080 [ 3 turns ] then do a
backflip. You will hear a click if you have done this code right.
Skip level:
Do the same as the all guns code exept for jump foward instead of doing a backflip.
To get all weapons and ammo:
* Walk one step forward
* Walk one step back
* Turn round three times in any direction
* Jump backwards
To skip to the next level:
* Walk one step forward
* Walk one step back
* Turn round three times in any direction
* Jump forward
It's a bit easier to use these cheats if make Lara walk while you're trying them.
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