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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Cheats |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
Submitted by: RM
All regular Nike items:
Enter "JUSTDOIT" as a code to unlock all regular Nike items.
Easy stat points:
Use the following trick to raise stats quickly and easily. Every
time you complete a mid-week challenge that gives you the type of
stat points desired (for example, Concentration, Power), do not
return to the calendar after completing the challenge. Instead,
choose "Restart Event" from the menu, and replay the event you
just completed. The stat points that you earn from completing the
challenge will accumulate.
For example, 500 Power points and 200 Concentration points multiplied
by how many times you complete that specific challenge. When you are
done repeating this process, just choose "Return to Calendar."
The calendar will show that you completed the challenge and from
there you can go to the Pro Shop and use all the stat points you
This works with all challenges (Putting Frenzy, Shooting Gallery, etc.).
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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 for PC Cheats - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Codes - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Cheat Codes