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The Sting
Hints for Beating the Early Areas:
(The gas stations is covered in the tutorial so I will
not go through it here.)
Grocery Store:
The left locker has money in it. Use the third floor as
hiding place. The room next to the stairwell on level 1
cannot be seen by the old lady, even if you walk out of
it while she is on the first floor. The radio is worth
some money also.
Don't use accomplice. Hide in the bathrooms on the first
floor. The lockers are empty. The guards cannot see you
if you hide on the other side of the projector room on
the second floor. Don't forget to rob the register.
Have your accomplice carry the crowbar to pry open a
window on the side. Get the money in the desk by the
room with the plant first. The office to the side with
the empty desk is not visited by the technician.
The plant is heavy and snatch it as soon as the technician
exits out the room.
Boxing Club:
Have 2 accomplice this time. Let one accomplice carry a
crowbar. The boxer cannot see you if you hide on the other
side of the stairs. Disable the security system first, then
crowbar the glass case. The gloves are 60 pounds to let matt
carry it without getting anything else. Don't forget to take
the pictures and the cash box.
Two men operation. Have one crack the safe and also rob the
desks while the other scour the floors. The safe take 20
minutes to crack. Most of the rooms don't have anything it
them. The top two rooms (suites) all have stuff in them.
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