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The Sims Mega Deluxe Edition Cheats |
The Sims Mega Deluxe Edition
Cheat Codes:
Open Cheat Screen:
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display a prompt in the upper left
corner of the screen.
Note:, enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered.
Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time.
Result Code
1000 Simoleons - klapaucius
Add new family history stat to the current family - hist_add
Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt - write_destlist
Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed - auto_level
Automatically import and load indicated FAM file - import
Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked - house
Check and fix required lot objects - prepare_lot
Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT - flush
Crash game - crash
Create moat or streams - water_tool
Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files - shrink_text
Create-a-character mode - edit_char
Display personality and interests - interests
Draw all animation frames disabled - draw_all_frames off
Draw all animation frames enabled - draw_all_frames on
Draw colored dots at each person's origin - draw_origins
Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt - core_dump
Dump selected person's most recent list of scored - dump_happy
Dump selected person's motive contribution curve - dump_mc
Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using keyboard - visitor_control
Toggle assets report - report_assets
Toggle automatic object reset feature - auto_reset
Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop - sim_peek
Toggle camera mode - cam_mode
Toggle music - music
Trigger sound event - soundevent
Write out an RTE file every time a route is found - write_routes
Vanishing Sim:
Enable the move_objects on code. Have your Sim sit in a chair. Put the game on buy
mode. Take the chair out from under your Sim and delete it. Your Sim will vanish.
Put the game on live mode and click on the red thing on your Sims picture. When
they appear, your Sim will have full green bars.
Cheat warning:
If you use the move_objects on code to give your Sims full stats, any Job Skill
points (for example, Creativity) you earn during that session will disappear.
Note: Save the game before using the cheat that rids your character and requires
you to bring him back by clicking. By doing this, no loss happens.
Full mood bars:
Have your Sim go to sleep in a bed. Enable the move_objects on code, go into
build mode, and delete the bed. Then, click on the Sim's face. He or she should
re-appear with full mood bars.
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
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Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.
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The Sims Mega Deluxe Edition for PC Cheats - The Sims Mega Deluxe Edition Codes - The Sims Mega Deluxe Edition Cheat Codes