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The Sims Life Stories Cheats |
The Sims - Life Stories
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window.
Note: Some codes may be case-sensitive.
Result Code
List most cheat codes - help
Display information about indicated cheat - help [cheat command]
Close console window - exit
Expand or contract console window - expand
1,000 more Simoleons - Kaching
50,000 more Simoleons - motherlode
Cheat Codes:
To bring the Cheat Box up in Free Play mode press Control Shift C at the
same time.
Code - Effect
aspirationpoints(#) - Adds aspiration points to the selected character
moveobjects off/on - Allows you to place objects where you normally couldn't
roofSlopeAngle(15-75) - Changes the roof pitch 75 being the steepest
aspirationlevel(0-5) - Enter a # 0-5 0 places aspiration in red 5 in Platnum
maxmotives - Maxes all motives for everyone on the lot
boolprop - Testingcheatsenabled true/false Open the boolprop cheat
aging off/on - Turns aging off/on for everyone on the lot
boolprop - Snapobjectstogrid true/false Turns the ability of objects
unlockCareerRewards - Unlocks all the career rewards for selected character
Testing cheats mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. Enter
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true to activate testing cheats mode. This is a very
powerful cheat that enables many new things. In Create A Sim, after enabling this
code, go into debugmode by pressing [Shift] + N before making a Sim. You now have
the following new things in Create A Sim: skin tones, clothing, and some other
options such as viewing the skinfilenames. In the game itself, after enabling this
code, hold [Shift] and left click on a Sim to have lots of options, such as changing
clothes, make your Sim fat or thin, set their aspiration level, etc. This code also
can spawn some interesting items, such as the tombstone of L(ife) and D(eath), and
family members.
Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then go onto a different family.
A strange code will appear at the top right hand corner. If you go onto the Sims'
needs, you can click on each one and drag it up or down, whichever desired. You
can also increase the skill points of your Sims in the same way. This is useful
if you want a promotion, if your Sim is depressed, if you are teaching a toddler
to walk, etc. You can also hold [Shift] and click on a Sim. Click on "More", then
"Spawn" and create the Tombstone of L and D. You can click on this, then "More"
then "Make everyone here friends with me", which helps if you need friends to get
promoted, or to complete an aspiration task.
Note: When you use the "Testing cheats mode" code and click something, sometimes
a thing called "force error" or "POSE" appears. Do not click this, because it can
cause problems with your game. If you accidentally click it, you can correct it
by clicking the "Reset" button in the window that appears.
Press Control Shift C to get the cheat box up the enter MaxMotives so you dont
have to keep doing things for them etc making them have a bath. Also cheat is
very helpfull when you sim is pregnant.
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The Sims Life Stories for PC Cheats - The Sims Life Stories Codes - The Sims Life Stories Cheat Codes