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The Sims 2 Base Game Cheats |
The Sims 2 - Base Game
Death Cheats and Clone:
Submitted by: Emo----Child
To have a death:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and then type "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true"
without the " ". Shift and click on a sim and click "Spawn" click " Rodney's
death creator and a headstone should appear.
Click and the sim u r controlling will die whatever way you chose.
[Ctrl]+[Shift] + c and then type "move_objects on". Go into buy or build mode
and click on your sim, hold shift and click on the lot. Your sim will have
clones and what's really funny is when you talk to a clone with the sim you
cloned it from it will say: (say the sims name was bob, bob newbie) Bob Newbie
clicks on his clone and socialises, and in the memories section it will say
"Met Bob Newbie" You can control clones by doing the previous boolProp cheat
and then shift click on the clone and click make selectable. You can also
delete or kill a clone and it won't be missed.
You can clone pets too!And vampires! And werewolves! And gypsys! And,nearly
anything or one! Super cool.
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The Sims 2 Base Game for PC Cheats - The Sims 2 Base Game Codes - The Sims 2 Base Game Cheat Codes