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The Princess and the Frog Cheats

The Princess and the Frog

This game is titled also "The Princess & the Frog"

We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game. 
Sorry for any inconvenience.

We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.

At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game. 

If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console, 
then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where 
you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with 
other gamers.

In the magical, jazz-infused, world of 1920s New Orleans, young Tiana 
dreams of owning a restaurant but must overcome the hurdles set before
her to discover that dreams really do come true. 

"The Princess and the Frog" captures the story and style of Disney's 
triumphant return to traditional animation in a charming adventure game 
packed with activities inspired by the film's events. Celebrate your 
favorite moments from the movie and take on new challenges with Tiana,
as she pursues her dreams in a fun adventure. Meet favorite characters
from the film and new friends, triumph over enemies, play frog games 
in the bayou, create music, cook New Orleans style and so much more. 

Along the way, discover what it takes to make Tiana's dreams come true!
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