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The Precursors
Submitted by: knudsen_
Type one of the following codes at the console:
Code Effect
addsid (ID#) Add item (ID#) to inventory.
addammo (##) Add more ammo
addarmor (##) Add more armor
addhealth (##) Add more health
add_hyperfuel (##) Adds fuel for the ship.
allweapons All the weapons in your inventory.
allmoney (##) Add more money.
clockspeed (##) Sets the "run" time in the game. Pick a value from 0.1 to 100.
drawhud Removes the user interface.
god God mode.
printpointedchar Information about the object. That's on it and you will be able
to use such a command addsid (see above).
rpgrules Allows you to use any of the closed technique in the game.
set clip ? Set ? to 1 or 0 to fly (or stop flying) on the map.
siderel (A#) (B#) Sets the reputation of a faction (A#) to an amount (B#).
For example "siderel 1 100" will give 100 points to the
reputation of the Empire. There are 7 factions in total.
supergod Invisibility, the enemy wont shoot at you.
* For (##) you can enter numbers ranging from 1 to 99.
* To Enable the Cheat Console go to Public/Public Documents/Precursors/INI/
(or Shared Documents/Precursors/INI/ on Windows XP), open the "ENGINESETTINGS.INI"
with Notepad and change:
save and run the game.
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