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Theocrazy Cheats


Submitted by: kerekfym

Save a simple game. Then quit, and go to a hexeditor.
Open the C:\Program Files\Theocracy\save00.tsg (if you 
saved the game to the first slot, then save00.tsg, if 
you saved to the second, then save01.tsg...)

Much jewel:
In the file, find the #4E rublic, and edit that, and the 
next to rublics, like this:>FF FF FFFF FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF 
FF 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 FF FF FF

Submittd by: shane

kill the dragon and get mask of protection, and get Charaki, 
cause he has sheild of four wind, and get the leader Shibri from the
red tribe he can heal himself form the boold he shed, when two of this 
magic item together, you will be incible. at the end the spanis will 
not able to shoot you. this it are tip

Hint:capture the spanis
Submitted by: kim truong /north-cote high

you need a hight soul priest
mask of protection
shield of four wind
and a spear or acher hero "i recoment spear hero because they are 
close and range combat"
after you colected all this wait until the spanis arrived then send 
out your hero to kill the priest of the enemy which stop the enemy 
from leting you use magic. then you will notice all the spanor will 
go after your hero then use any hight priest with the ability to summon 
special unit then attack them wild you attack them get your hight soul 
priest to use soul of betrayel on them then their will be your for ever 
until their been kill.  

here a list of how to get the needed items: 1 mask of protection from 
destroyed the dragon(the only way to destroyed the dragon from forbiden 
valley is to put the dragon ring to it cave)

2 sheild of four wind from geting kathapi from the purple tribe axcopan.

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