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The Mummy Returns Cheats

The Mummy Returns

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Sathish.G

Cheat mode:
Press [Esc] to quit game play. Select "Replay Level", and choose the "Bonus Game Mode" 
option. Enter one of the following passwords to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                   Code 
All weapons            - WAWDDSSA
Unlimited ammunition   - DSDAWSAS
Unlimited lives        - WWSWDAAD 
Unlimited health       - SDWWADSA

Unlimited lives (alternate):
Play through the Anck-Su-Namun's Crypt level, then save the game. Select to replay the 
level and collect the extra lives found throughout the area. Repeat this as needed 
before continuing. 

All weapons (alternate):
Finish the game with at least 35 gems. 

Unlimited ammunition (alternate):
Finish the game with at least 55 gems. 

Unlimited lives (alternate):
Finish the game with at least 60 gems. 

Unlimited health (alternate):
Finish the game with at least 65 gems. 

Bonus Cairo level:
Finish the game with at least 50 gems. 

All cheats:
Finish the game with at least 78 gems.

Submitted by: Arpit Hitesh

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] for 10 sec.
Release shift and press alt + del(while pressing ctrl) to get all WEAPONS.
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