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The Making Of A Prophet Cheats |
The Making Of A Prophet
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Cheat mode:
Press the indicated keys at the listed screen to
activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Screen Code
Scene select - Highlight/saved game slot - S
Editor - Main menu - [Ctrl]+M
Restore default characters - Editing screen - [Ctrl]+R
All miracles - Game play - M + R
Fill health meter - Game play - Hold [Alt]+[F1]
Fill mind meter - Game play - Hold [Alt]+[F2]
Fill soul meter - Game play - Hold [Alt]+[F3]
Automatically go to trial - Game play - Hold [Alt]+[End]
Change time of day - Game play - Hold [Alt]+[Minus]or[Plus]
Change angle of the sun - Game play - Hold [Alt]+[Backspace]
Come down from the cross:
Hold the "Meditation" command with positive spiritual energy.
Come back to life:
Hold the "Meditation" command with positive spiritual energy.
Activate an evil power:
Meditate for a sufficiently long time with negative spiritual energy.
Increase spiritual energy:
Stand near Satan.
Effective prayers:
Pray in the vicinity of a Muslim.
Increase spiritual energy:
Carry a cross to increase your spiritual energy (at the expense of health).
Improve mental health:
Carry money to improve your mental health (at the expense of spiritual energy).
Have a family:
Hug the opposite sex.
Eat any object:
Activate the "Nourishment" power to eat any object for sustenance.
Shoot objects from your hands:
Activate the "Manifestation" power to shoot objects out of your hand.
Saving energy:
Converting an existing item into something else is half as demanding as creating
a fresh one.
Raise other characters:
Activate the "Weightlessness" power to raise up other characters.
Push other characters:
Activate the "Speed" power to push other characters away.
Activate the "Levitation" power to fly with the Manipulation command.
Clone other characters:
Activate the appearance powers to clone other characters.
Remove arrest warrants:
Change your appearance to remove arrest warrants from all areas except the
one you are in.
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CheatBook DataBase 2015
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