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The Light Corridor Cheats

The Light Corridor

Level Codes:
Codes for the different levels

 1: 0000  18: 3810  35: 0622
 2: 5400  19: 0511  36: 3722
 3: 0101  20: 6811  37: 1223
 4: 3901  21: 3212  38: 4523
 5: 2602  22: 0213  39: 4124
 6: 9902  23: 8213  40: 1825
 7: 4303  24: 5014  41: 1926
 8: 9903  25: 1015  42: 9726
 9: 6904  26: 8215  43: 5927
10: 3305  27: 5116  44: 0528
11: 9305  28: 0117  45: 7328
12: 3406  29: 7017  46: 3929
13: 0407  30: 5518  47: 3030
14: 6407  31: 2819  48: 0531
15: 2008  32: 9919  49: 8431
16: 7408  33: 7302  50: 9932
17: 4709  34: 2521

Green Diamond:
The green diamonds are essential as these award you with
an extra life. Some of the red diamonds will allow control
over two bats but this is more of a hinderence as the two 
bats prove confusing. Avoid the blue squares as they will 
shrink the size of your bat.
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