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The Infernal Tome
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Chapter 1: Prelude To Glory test answers:
Answer each question as indicated.
Question 1: Fear I make in your hearts man. End I bring with the passing of
time. End of the journey, passing of sand. Life again-reaping of the vine.
Answer: Death
Question 2: Welcome to the ancient keep of Shardmoure, bastion of Garon's
northern reaches. I am Cho-Tek, abbot of the Dark Monks. My duty is to protect
the charges entrusted us by B'Nah. What name you call your path?
Answer: Dark Path
Question 3: Dragon's wings and witch's blood. Free from sorrow out of the mud.
Light of day power of the sun. Name the tomb of the ancient one?
Answer: Hamas
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