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The Horde 2 The Citadel Cheats |
The Horde 2 - The Citadel
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Captain Xtreme
Cheat Codes:
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+M - Gives You The Ability To See Everything On The Map!
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R - SETS your resources to 100,000 and Population to 500!
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H - Heals The Troops/Workers That Are Selected (Not Buildings)
Hints And Tips:
How To Kill The Mage/Shadow That Walks Around The Cave Entrance:
1- Firstly Advance Your Town And Buildings Until Your Workers Can Create Traps!
You can find out if your workers can create traps by selecting ONE worker and
look at the bottom right Option if it's empty you have to advance if It shows
like something similar of creating a trap you know... You can create a trap now!
2- Secondly Come Near The Cave Entrance Until you meet the Shadow Guy
3- Thirdly Get A Group Of Soldiers To Explore The Forests For Any Forest Bears Or
Forest Trees With A Monster Inside That Create A Wave When your Soilders Come
Near It That Damages Your Soldiers (P.S Make sure you are peaceful or like
friends with the shadow guy)
4- Then Make A Group Of Workers Not A Single Worker In case of a death... and Let
one of them create traps where is posible to around the shadow guy's cave
entrance and don't worry the shadow guy won't die or get caught in the trap
if you have placed one infront of him!
5- Make sure you have lots of traps and traps near the cave... Then let your
workers and soldiers get away from the forest... as far as possible... best
if you come back to your home land, if you don't want to kill them!
6- Go to the shadow guys options and select something similar as if you don't want
to be friends with him and want to attack him... basically make yourself enemy
with the shadow guy! And watch him step on one of those traps... and when he
does lots of lightning will strike all around him and burn the forests!
How to advance to stone age:
1- Firstly Build Lots Of Every Type Of Building you Can Make Until You can make A
Stable For The Horse Swordsmen to be trained and so on... then wait til you
can make a windmill or whatever that SPEEDS your troop and worker training up..
then If I haven't missed anything build the final building which is the church
and more than one of every new building you invented (P.S: if you can't invent
any other building... you have to build some laboratories and to speed it up
make more than one and fill the gold bars and the skulls inside the Labs)
2- Make sure that you don't have any towers very far away from your castle so when
you make your stone age castle they will be uncontrolled by you and slowly going
down until destruction, some of other NPC kings might send troops to over take
the towers that are going down...
3- Then When No one is attacking you, just in case if you might fail this... DESTROY
your castle and press SPACE to select your king and then build a new castle in
the same place (NOT RECOMMENDED to build your castle somewhere else... because
your buildings that are very far away might start going down just like I said
about the towers!) (P.S: the new castle will be a little larger so make sure
you have space)
4- Here you get a stone age castle! Then you can build your Stone Age Barracks and
then another one if you want and you will then invent and replace new stone age
buildings for your old buildings such as: Laboratory = New Stone Laboratory and
so on...
P.S: You will invent a new building and it will be to train birds to fly around the
map even past water rivers without rivers (OBVIOUSLY) and they will be controlled
by you, only way to kill birds is by bowmen and/or catapults and stuff that can
shoot stuff in the air!
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