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The Emperors New Groove Cheats

The Emperor's New Groove

Here are some tips/hints for a few of the levels:
Daniel Grimes, Submitted the following Information:

Village chapter 1.
Coins: 55
Secrets: 2

How to find the secrets.
The first of the two secrets can be found near the first 
checkpoint. The second secret is more difficult. 
After charging the tree down, there is a door that can 
be opened by putting the pot on the pad. Once you have 
done this, to the left of both doors, an island will 
appear. Jump onto the island, and the secret will become 

Catacombs chapter 1
Coins: 35
Secrets: 0

Information: Like chapter 3 and 5, this is a rollercoaster 
level. Touching the arrows make you go faster, the targets 
make you jump, and the green spots make you turn around. 
The object is to reach the exit at the other end, without 
falling off. 

City chapter 2
Coins: 100
Secrets: 3

How to find the secrets:
If at the beginning, you go up the steps, enter the door on 
the right, go across the water and jump onto the platform 
with the pad, you can grop down to a secret platform. You 
can find the second secret by bursting through a wall with 
two men near by. The third secret is behind another weak wall.  

Mountain chapter 1
Coins: 90
Secrets: 2

Tips: Follow Pacha on the first part of the level. When you 
come to the statue part, you can find the two missing statues 
in the cave.

How to find the secrets:
The first secret is near Tipo and the treadmill. Stand there 
and look for bats. When you have spotted them, you can 
charge-jump to the entrance. The other secret is at the top 
of the treadmill. Run past the well and bridge, and keep to 
the right wall. At the end of the platform, you will find a 
small piece of land. Roll away the rock to reveal the secret. 

Jungle Day chapter 2

Tips: Charge over the guards that throw axes. Use 
your karate-jump-kick to defaet the crocodile. 
Chickens carry red idols. Watch out for the childre 
with baseball bats! Talk to the flies to reveal the 

River chapter 4.
Coins: 40

How to find the secret:
Spit the blow up toys into the wampy cave, and when you 
have broken the gate, you can collect the wampy!

Jungle Night chapter 1
Coins: 35

Watch out for spiders falling from silken thread! Follow 
the squirell. Talk to the flies.

How to find the secret:
At the beggining of the level, take the first left, 
and carry on until you reach the stone monument. 
Follow the wall inbetween the two pots until you find 
an opening in the hedge.

Submitted by: rickHH

Get a gamepad if you don't have one; The Emperor's New 
Groove is playable on a keyboard, but it's easier to 
play with a gamepad. 

Use your grape seeds sparingly; you never know when you're 
going to need them to spit. 

Master the kick that way you can take down those tough guards

City: Secret and coins:
In the City, chapter 2, after knocking the man who throws 
the barrels at you off the tower, charge him again to get 
the Idol. Then, karate jump kick him as you did with spiders 
to get a secret and some coins.

Jumping Through Walls:
To jump through walls, you must have a cliff, ledge or something else 
high up that you can climb up to. When you are on top of the cliff/ledge
etc, charge jump to the Kuzco door or any other closed door to fly through
the wall. If you are too close to the edge of the cliff/ledge etc, you 
might fall of a cliff (if there are any) and lose a life. Sometimes, you 
might just his the wall and fll back to the ground or onto the door's 
frame. If you are placed in the right position, you will fly through the

Beating the Jaguars Easy:
If you wanna beat the jaguar race a diffent way, heres how: 
At the start of the race, use your hand closest to the space bar to charge,
then before you get to the first narrow path switch hands (so they're crossed
over each other) and use the former charge hand to direct. When one hand gets
tired switch so they cross/uncross and continue this way. 
I got through that way; easy as it could get. Be careful though, when the 
jaguars gain on you it's nearly impossible to get ahead again.
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