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The Cameron Files Secret at Loch Ness Cheats

The Cameron Files - Secret at Loch Ness

Distillery - Small Storage Room:
Avoid the obstacles which are placed on the ground. Making too 
much noise will alert Ipswitch and he will not hesitate to use 
his shotgun.

The Celtic Panel - Use the book of Kelia to determine the 
corresponding symbols which are to be clicked on.

Day 5 - Zodiac Table:
Turn the outer wheel so that the Alban Arthuran (represented by 
the 'N') is under the beam of light. Turn the inner wheel so 
that the aroow is below th 'N' on the left of the curved symbol
representing the horns of Capricorn is on the right. You will 
hear the sound of a rock moving and a passageway will be 
revealed behind the large rock.
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