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The Blackwell Convergence Cheats

The Blackwell Convergence

Steam achievements:
Submitted by: BoneK

Art Medium             - Convince Frank that you are an artist on your first try
Cat Trick              - Distract the cat only once
Convergence Commentary - Finish the game in commentary mode, from the opening menu till the end
Leading Lady           - While holding Frank’s script, get though a performance without 
                         flubbing a single line
Lush Life              - Have a few drinks, but you might regret it in the morning
Medium Well Done       - Finish the game at least once
Reluctant Savior       - Save Charlie Meltzer’s life
Secret Finder          - Find the secret extras menu
Sober Solidarity       - Keep a clear head, but others might think less of you
Soft Touch             - Give Allen some hope before he goes
Solo                   - Finish the game without asking Joey for a single hint
Wonder Woman           - Defeat the Countess with one throw of an improvised lasso
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